Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Scrapbook Pages

Here are some recent scrapbook pages that I have made:
This one is of my beautiful Shaylee from last Christmas. It was her first one. She just adored her Santa suit. She didn't like wearing her hat for very long.
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
Photos are mine along with the Bows, background and red ornament.
Gel Xmas tree by Craftyscraps......
Red Stampnotes by Kari from Kari's Place......
Satin Gold Alpha designed by Free Digital Scrapbooking.....
Brady Patch (star) designed by Princes Pamela from her Brady Kit.
This is a page that I made of a little fir tree that I took a photo of about 6 years ago with my manual 35mm Minolta Camera. It was taken in Colorado on Spring Break. The tree was only about 1 ft. tall and held up so much snow. Unbelievable.

The background came from http://www.picaboo.com/ and the bottom white border came from http://www.scrapbookflair.com/ in one of their winter collections.

The alpha is an alpha that I just made myself. My very first one. And the snowflake are some that I cutout a long-time ago it seems and I recolored them accordingly. Until now I hadn't known what to do with them. I have begun making papers, frames and a complete alpha with them. Hopefully, I can make a whole kit and offfer a freebie soon. Let me know what you think of my alpha when you see it......

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Comforting Embrace of a Soldier Scrappage

Credits go to:
Photo taken by David W. Gilmor Jr
Ribbons by Shandy Vogt Designs with her Spangled Glory add-on kit
Background, stars and matts made by Amy W. with her Liberty Everlasting kit
Red white and blue alpha made by Free Digital Scrapbooking
and notepaper made by Tracy Collins aka Retrodiva.
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