And, you know in a mater of minutes, they changed.
If you don't catch them when you can you miss your chance.
And, you know in a mater of minutes, they changed.
If you don't catch them when you can you miss your chance.
And here are a few photos of JoJo sitting on the dock. Isn't he adorable.
We switched life-jackets with him and Scout. Thought the orange one would do better on JoJo but they were about the same. Scout looks way better in the orange but JoJo does too.
He's got his toung stuck out in the first photo if you look closely.
This is a preview of a kit that I am attempting to make. It's called MyWinterWonderland. I've already made papers in pastel and stormy (not so pastel) and I have some snowflakes to go with them. I have already finished the alphas for this kit but I am still in the process of making them individual letters. I think that works so much better for everyone. I have uppers, lowers, numbers and symbols already made. Would you like a preview of them too? I'll give you a taste of them too. Plus, I'm trying to make other goodies to go along with it like frames, borders and whatever else I come up with. So, today I am offering a sample of the kit. Please let me know if it is good or not. I'd like to learn how to do all these neat things and share with those that have shared with me.
Now, here is the good part.
So, Please Enjoy checking out my kit so far. Also, Please Let me know what you think so far, either good or bad.
I had to put this next one in just so you could tell how beautifull it was there. The boat give you somewhat of an idea of how great the water looked. Just gorgeous isn't it.