Saturday, March 29, 2008

My New Leather Prints in my more to come.

Hi everyone, I am trying to get some things going. I made these leather papers the other day. I really like them I have several more to add also. When I get them all finished I'll give you a sampler. So far, here are 4 sets of finished papers that I have made. I really love the metallic leather that I made. Still have 2 more sets of metallic ones to show you.

Buy my Neon Metallic Leather for $1.50 HERE

I'm also in the process of making a zoo kit. It's gonna be pretty cool also. I've got lots of giraffes and zebras in it. Also some jaguars. Plus other goodies.

Buy my Leather Papers for $1.50 HERE

Also building that seashore kit. It's gonna have lots of sand and shells, birds like blue herons, pelicans, seagulls and other great stuff.

Buy my Black Leather for $1.50 HERE

Hope that you like my leather papers...

Buy my Neon Leather Papers for $1.50 HERE

And visit my entire store by clicking HERE

Monday, March 24, 2008

Just wanted to remind you

Easter Time Kit

My Upholstery Alpha------------Link Expired

Hey everyone.

I know it's been a little while but I'm trying to decide what I want to make next. I need to make a boy and girl baby kit. I have a friend that's using care bear cousins for her room and I need to come up with something for that.

Also, I have a friend that wants a zoo kit. I'm using my zoo photos and fossil rim photos to try and make something for that too.

I also want to make a seashore or shoreline kit from my corpus photos. So much to do. But I have another month before another holiday. Man time is running fast.

Right now I have an alpha for you. It's made from an Upholstery pattern. I need to change my preview because I misspelled upholstery. Duh haha. Anyway, I may be making quite a few of these in the near future. A friend of mine came up with some really cool patterns and I seeing what I can do with them. So let me know if you like this alpha. I will be having papers soon to go with them.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More Corpus Photos....

Here is one of the Gazebos on the Bayfront and yes that is my Jose walking past the Gazebo. I just love the Gazebos.

Didn't realize that I got him in both photos. Pretty cool.

Not sure what kind of birds these are but they were sure cute.

And here is a lonesome seagull that was just posing away.

This is the monument that was dedicated to Selena. It is inside one of the gazebos on the Bayfront area. It's a very pretty tribute.

This is one photo of a pelican that I took. It seemed like they were all posing for me. I'm thinking of doing a kit using the pelican photos that I took. Possibly using some of the wooden posts too.

This is an old ship that is docked at the Marina.
Don't know the name of it but it looks very old to me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're back from our Corpus Vacation.

We had a great time in Corpus. The weather wasn't the best though. Most mornings were covered in thick fog and sometimes it let up and sometimes it didn't. We never saw a sunrise the whole time there. Too much fog. Finally saw a sunset the last day that we were there.

This is a photo Jose took of me on the beach on the bayfront. My Jose is in the photo below. We were looking to seashells and weren't having too much luck.

Here is a photo of the boats in the Corpus Christi Bay Marina. Seagulls were flocking one of the shrimp boats where he was handing out shrimp to customers for fishing.

I'll be back tomorrow with more photos. I'm thinking of making a seashore kit from some of my photos. What do you think? Got lots of photos of pelicans and seagulls. Only saw 3 blue heron the whole time we were there. Last time we went they were everywhere. But I got a great night shot of one in the water.

Anyway, gotta go to bed and catch some zzzz's. Take care everyone and good night.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hi everyone.....

I have spent the last week making my Easter Time Kit. I really like how it came out but I still wanted to add a few more things. But times running out. Easter's just right around the corner.

I am going to give you previews of all the parts of the kit as you read down. Enjoy!

I have to come up with baby kits too. I have a really good friend who's expecting a granddaughter (her first) and a new grandson (this one this week). She wants me to make one for both. I'm gonna name them after them too. But you know, next thing we know it's gonna be Mothers Day already. Man time is running too tooo fast.

We are going on vacation as of tomorrow at 8am. I work tonite at 12midnight and get off at 8am. So I don't have much time left. We won't be back until Saturday sometime, maybe Sunday early. Not sure as of yet. We are going to Corpus Christie Tx where my fiance's family lives. He hasn't had a vacation in 3 yrs. and is in dire need of one. I could use one myself too.

4shared finally cooperated. I have your freebie link at the bottom of this post.
Keep reading.

And read some more. Guess it's just more looking.

And if you order from my store, remember that I won't be back till Saturday so I won't be able to send link until them. But don't worry. I will get them too you no matter what. If I can at his brothers I will do it there.

I hope that you like my kit. I just love my Easter Eggs.
Don't know why but I do, especially the pink one.

Think I'm gonna take a sketch pad to Corpus and try to draw some kind of bunny to go along with this. I think it needs an Easter Rabbit.

Here is a preview of my whole Easter Time kit. It has lots and lots of papers, dyed easter eggs, decorated easter eggs, glitter flowers you can put on the eggs, easter paper clips, oval frams with and without ribbons, and do you see the flowers. They are the same ones that I gave you before but they have a spot of glitter in the middle of them, plus they are colored lighter to fit the Easter colors.

Download link expired.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thank you to everyone

Just wanted to say thanks. Someone commented that I should put word verification on my comments and maybe that would stop the spam from coming in. I'll try that and see if it works. Thank you.

Also, I've had 2 comments that have told me that my flowers were either Gerber daisies or Shasta daisies. I have photos of gerber daisies and their petals are wider, so I don't think they are gerbers. But Shasta daisies might be a winner. I'll have to check that one out.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments. You know my bandwidth was used up at 20gb again by the 3rd of this months. I'm not buying anymore until they make me. haha. So, if you have any trouble downloading at anytime, please let me know and I'll see what I can do. Surely, it won't lock me out (hasn't yet). Funny huh, this means that 20 gigabytes have been downloaded (outgoing traffic) since the first and thru the 3rd. Wow. I guess that means you really like my stuff. It's probably the ABC papers. You know I have 900 downloads on the run papers and now 500 downloads on the skip papers. Awesome. But no please, if you have any trouble downloading just let me know.

I work today and off for the next two. Hopefully I can put a new kit and freebie up by then. Take care you all. Have a great day.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I have been getting some pretty, I'm not gonna say bad comments on my blog, but comments from people that just say stuff like, "attention" and "check here". When I clicked the check here it said that my computer was getting a virus and to use a certain software to get rid of it. So, if you have a blog and get comments like these just delete them. Not sure if they are just trying to sell you something or if they are actually trying to ruin your computer.

These comments are disturbing to me actually. I need my computer. Spent quite a chunk of money on it making it just what I want it to be and to actually have someone trying to mess me up is quite frustrating. I know it's not any of you who are my blog readers but I sure wish these people would stop.

I actually thought someone wanted me to see some layouts they made or something and that's when I realized what these comments were. These comments come up right after I post freebies too. Quite frustrating. So be careful with your computers guys. It's probably nothing but you never know.

Sweet Valentine Alpha again...freebie...

Hello everyone,

Link has expired to make room for more freebies

My ABC skip plaid papers....Link Expired

Hi again, I finished the my plaid papers to go with the ABC skip kit at Digitreats.

Hope that you like these as much as you liked the others.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

To Customers

I just want everyone to know that I am sending all of your links to you. I have a few people who have not downloaded their kits yet and I'm wondering if they are going into spam boxes. So, please if you haven't gotten your links, please check the spam or email me with the info. I have resent some of the links several times. Just want to make sure that you have gotten them. I check every morning around 8:30 to 9am for orders, as I get home about 8am from my normal job. Then I check later on in the evening again. I try to get them out to you as quickly as I can. Thanks again for ordering and please let me know when you get them.

My Daisy-Like flowers ....Link Expired

I finally was able to get on 4shared and get the link to this one.
At least it uploaded. I thought I would have to do it again.

Anyway, here is the preview again and the link is down below.

If anyone knows what kind of flower this is I would really like to know.

Pretty sure it's some kind of daisy but I'm not sure. Sure was pretty though. The original is the one in the red with a kind of yellow center.

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