Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Crush Layout

I made another page today using my CT member's new kit called "First Crush". It's a gorgeous kit. She has it for free on her blog along with some freebie qp's. Nita has some too. So go check them out. Here's a preview of her kit.

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Here's a preview of her qp's.

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and here is a preview of Nita's quick-pages.
Nita's blog
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And don't forget to pick up the kit too. There's also an alpha.

And here's a page I made with it.

Another qp from my "Mardi Gras" kit.

Hi there,

I made another page using my new "Mardi Gras" kit. I hope you like this one too.

I'm doing a little better. I finally got out yesterday. Me and Lori went to a movie and saw Extraordinary Measures with Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford. It was really good. I'm not sure which actor was better. It was a great dramatic role for Brendan. We were prepared to cry our eyes out which doesn't take much for me right now. But it ended good and we were ok. It was a tearjerker through it but it's always better when they end well. Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone.


Then we went out and ate some Mexican food. I think I need some time away and a good meal with my best friend. And thankfully my stomach is agreeing with me too. It's been quite upset lately.


And well everything was fine until I got home. I started working on the computer and was working on the quick-page. So, I decided to listen to some music while I worked. Decided absolutely no Country music because they all make me cry at the moment. So the first song I chose was Lady Gaga's Pokerface (one of his fav's but not a sad song). The next song I chose was from Pink called "Who Knew". Well, big mistake. I'd always listened to the song before and always thought it was a kind of break-up song. Well it took on a whole new meaning this time. I cried like a baby. Exchange the 3 years in the song with 6 years and that's us. I called my mom crying and told her not to listen to it either. She kind of laughed with me a little.

So, still no music for me for a while. Audio books only. And some of them can get you too.

Mardi Gras by ApriltheScrapaholic

I added this alpha to the store yesterday.

Mardi Gras Alphas by ApriltheScrapaholic

So here's the page I made. I didn't make a preview of the quick-page. So take off the year 2006, the number 33, the journaling on the take and the photos and you have your quick-page.

Download Here

See you guys later.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's me again

Hey everyone,

I managed to do some work on the computer. Trying to keep my mind busy. I made a kit called Mardi Gras. And honestly I had my honey (husband) in mind. I had actually started making it before all of this bad stuff happened. Now I've so-so finished it. I probably could have done more but my mind doesn't seem to think straight right now. I don't know. Maybe ya'll will think its a good kit. It's mostly purples (his favorite color), greens, yellows and teal colors. I hope you all will like it.

I made a page using the kit and you'll get the quick-page from it.

Here's a preview of the kit.

Mardi Gras by ApriltheScrapaholic

Here's the page I made using the kit. This is a photo from Jose's 33rd birthday.
I also wanted to thank everyone for the nice comments that you all left me from my post the other day. You guys are the greatest. Someone advised me that scrappin' my memories might help. So I decided to take her up on it. I plan to scrap everything anyway.

And here is what your page will look like.

Download Here

Friday, January 22, 2010

Very Sad may want a tissue :( ---sorry.

Hey Everyone,

I am sure that you all have been wondering where I've been. Well I have some very very bad news. Besides not being able to get on the internet there for a while after Christmas, I had something happen to me or you could say "us" that has changed my life forever.

My sweet dear husband, Jose, passed away on the 12th of this month right before my birthday on the 13th. We had his funeral on the 15th. Yesterday was the first day I've even looked at the computer. I'm just beside myself feeling like this is all a really bad dream. I just can't seem to wake up from it.

After Christmas we caught a cold or that's what I thought it was. I got better and he didn't. He just kept getting worse. On the Saturday before what happened I begged him not to go to work because he was just so tired. I had just gotten him on my insurance and told him we could go to the doctor. He hated spending money. He kept saying he was ok. I made him take his phone to call me when he got to work and when he called he told me they were taking him to the emergency room. I got to the hospital at 3pm and they had oxygen hooked up to him and he was awake at that time. They send him to the ICU where I could only see him for 30 minutes on the even hours. They took him up there at 8:15 pm and then I had to leave him. He wanted me to go home get some rest and be back in the morning early. But I didn't. I went home got my phone charger and a few odds and ends. By the time I got back and saw him at 10pm he was out of it and I never got to talk to him again. They ended up intibating him (a tube down his throat) and told me he had pneumonia. Later they said it was N1H1 and then send me down to get checked too because I had been coughing. They finally said I was fine and that my lungs were good. His weren't though. THey had to take some of the fluid out of his. Then they finally told me it wasn't N1H1 and that it was influenza A.

We were in the hospital from Sat thru Tues morning and I guess his body finally gave out. I held his hand when they turned off the machines. I'm sorry this is so bad but this is what happened and I need to get it out. The rest had been just a bad dream that I can't wake from.

I just wanted you all to know what I'm going thru. It's really hard. Today is the first time that I'm staying alone in my house. So its going to be a little hard. I'm just hoping everything will eventually work out with the insurance and everything. I may end up loosing our beautiful truck. And my little puppies Shaylee and JoJo are all moping around the house. I think they keep looking for him to come home. It's so heart-breaking.

But I have really good friends and family that are helping me. They are all keeping me strong. At least I hope so. My puppies are helping too. It's just so unreal right now. So just bear with me. If I get too sad I'm sorry. I had so many photos I wanted to scrap and share with you and now it just doesn't feel right. I miss him so much.

Thank you all for listening/reading.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Hi Everyone

Hey Guys and anyone who's worried about me.

I went to my Mom's the day after Christmas and thought I'd only be able to spend 2 days with them. She lives 3 hrs from me in a little town of Tx. Anyway, I found out that I still had off through the next coming Thursday so decided to stay. But my mom has dial-up. Bad dial-up. You can't get on anything and forget about downloading or even seeing photos on her computer. So, I didn't get to let my CT's know (sorry Ginger, Lori and Nita) where I was much less my Boss at ScrapitSassy to let her know I'd be MIA for a bit.

Funny thing is that before I had even got down there, they had had a blizzard. Really! There was ice all over there. I'll post some photos in a bit for you to see. And while I was there it snowed again. The snow didn't melt until Dec 31st when I came back home. It was beautiful but very cold.

And then, much to my surprise, when I got back home, my internet wouldn't connect on my computer. So I still couldn't connect with anyone. I just got my internet on right now. My only problem now is that I have 2100 messages in my inbox folder in my mail and everytime I get on my email, the whole internet shuts down. Not sure if it's a glitch or just my seemingly bad luck lately.............

So yes I'm alive and kicking and trying to get back to work on things. So bare with me. And I'm trying desperately to connect with you guys, Ginger, Erin and Nita to let you know what's happened. But I've been failing miserably at the moment.

Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
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