Monday, August 23, 2010

Here are some layouts I've made lately.

This one I made everything as i went along. 
I entered it in a challenge at Scrapbook Flair. 
We were supposed to do a crop closeup of someone's face.

I used my Bathtime Babies kit to make this
one below which was also for a challenge.

And this one was for a Tinkerbell challenge. 
All rights go to disney for the pics and tink. 
I used my Fairyland kit to make it but changed the colors a bit.

And this is me and my brother Jr at Christmas time. 
I used my Frosted Christmas kit to make this one.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crome Name Frames - B ---Part 2 of 3......freebie

Hey Everyone,

Sorry, I didn't get on in the last couple of days.  Been busy and for some reason my internet wouldn't work yesterday and I couldn't post anything.  Now it seems to be back on.  So I was without internet for almost 2 days.  It just suddenly started working again.  Must have been working on the lines or something.  But I get my internet through the cable and it worked fine.  Who knows?

The wedding went great.  Can you believe that between me and my brother we took almost 1400 pics.  Seriously we did!   I've gotten rid of about 30 or so of them so far.  They turned out good.  I can't post any until she gets to see them though. 

Then Monday we took Thomas to go see the Expendables.   It was really good.  Everyone in it was good.  A must see for any action fan.  I couldn't pic a favorite because they were all good. 

Then I worked over-night and we too Thomas back home after I got off Tues morn.  Actually, my bro ended up taking him back.  And it was after then that I couldn't get on the internet. 

Anyway, Here's your freebie for today that was actually meant for yesterday.  LOL!\

Monday, August 16, 2010

Playing at the Park - qp3

Here's the other quick-page that I promised you.

Here's your quickpage.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Quick-page from my "Playing at the Park" kit.

I'm so excited.  The Glades is on tonight.  Whoo Hoo!  I know I'm crazy but after a long week at work and trust me it defintiely feels long, it's nice to relax and just enjoy something.  And I do like the show a lot.

I'm also taking photos at a friends wedding today.  Very excited about that.  I even bought another camera to help with the occasion.  My brother is going with me and I'm going to let him use one of my cameras to help take photos.  I may just let him take more candid shots while I take the more posed ones and then both take different angles of the wedding.  Very excited.  Just hope that I do her a great job.  I always worry about that.  Don't know why.  You just want everyone's wedding pics to be perfect for them.  It's a very special time.  I know I appreciate every single photo that Lori and Chad took at mine and Jo's wedding. 

I made 2 pages using my "Playing at the Park" kit and decided to make them into quick-pages.  So, I'll give you one today and one tomorrow.  The pages really go together so you can place them side by side in a book.

Here are the pages I made.

This is the one I'm giving to you today.  I've been wanting to better scrap these photos for a while now.  We were all outside playing ladder golf as we call it.  I think some call it "ladder toss".  Everyone was goofing around.  We were having a great time.

This is the one I'll give you tomorrow.

Wish me Luck today.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photo Hunt -----226: Orange

Me, my Brother and Thomas went to the Dallas Zoo this last week.  I got some great photos of the animals and I'm planning on making a really cool Zoo Kit.  We had a great time but it was soooooooo HOT.  I think I was on the verge of dehydration there at the end...........LOL (seriously).  Thomas wanted to go to Hurrican Harber the next day but I was just too worn out.

Anyway here are some great photos of the color "Orange".

But I had to go with this one in the end because I just love the Giraffe's so much.

Another quick-page from Ginger using my "Playing at the Park" kit.

I have another Quick-page for that Ginger made with my "Playing at the Park" kit.

I used her page to make a page of my Peanut.  Isn't he cute!

The wordart is by Ginger too!

And Here's her quickpage.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Finally, We opened our Etsy store called "You and Me Jewelry".

Hello There,

I am so excited.  Me and my brother decided to open our own online store selling our artwork.  We decided to sell with Etsy.  We called our store "You and Me Jewelery".  But we're not just going to have only jewelry.  I've made some little girl sculpture I want to sell and my brother has made these really cute little native guys.  I'm planning on making a lot of stuff.  My brother already has.  He's got several up on me.  Right now we've only got a few things in there but we're working on it and I'm really excited now that we have something in the store.  Here are some of the jewelry items we have in the store now.

Here's the link to our store:

The first item we added was this
My brother hand-shaped every jump-ring and then wove them all into byzantine links.

Here's a Spiral Pendant Necklace that we Added
The pendant was hand-sculpted using 3 different colors of clay. 
Again every jump-ring and even the spiral coil was hand-shaped.

Here's a Beaded Copper Bracelet that we added.
I love this one.  It's so pretty.
The main wire is memory wire and can bend to fit any wrist. 
I just love all the copper and blues in it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Crome Name Frames - B ---Part 1 of 3......freebie

Sorry I didn't get these out yesterday.  We cooked out on the grill.  I made t-bone steaks for my brother and Thomas along with mashed potatoes, corn-on-the-cob and salad.  We ate good!  Not sure about Thomas be me and my bro were both stuffed.  By the time I did all that I could only get Ginger's quick-page posted and had to lay down for be to be at work at midnight.  But I have it for you today.

Well, I have a guilty pleasure.  And Ginger, you are gonna like this because it about Miami. - Think I need to come visit you someday. - But I have a new favorite show for the moment.  I absolutely love The Glades.  We weren't too sure when we saw the pilot because the main star, Jim Longworth played by Matt Passmore (He's from Austrailia) who came off as a little annoying.  He's kind of like a Mixture of Dr. House and Castle (I love castle too).  But I watched the next episode and I'm hooked now.  They're showing a lot more of his character and what he's about.  He's a really smart character but they're showing more of his heart now.  I love it.  It's a great show and can be really funny if you pay attention.  Plus it helps that he's really hot too.  Ooops, did I say that?  Yeah, I did.

It comes on Sunday Nights at 7pm on the A&E channel.
(Photos came from Yahoo TV-A&E)

So here are more of the Crome Name Frames. 
I split the B's up in 3 parts.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Photo Hunt - August 7 - 225 Colorful

Here's a very colorful birthday cake that I made for my Cousin Thomas.
And look how colorful my mom's pantry behind my Dad's head.
Decided to go with my pic of one of the Macaws
that I took at the Dallas Zoo!  Love this pic.

Quick Page Freebie from Ginger

Ginger made this cute quickpage using my new Playing at the Park kit.
I love it it's so cute.

I added my own pics to her quick-page so you could see a close up of it.
These are photos of me and my Jo at the Corpus Christie Botanical Gardens.
Needless to say I got more photos of me than him.  I think he got tired of me taking his photos and decided to turnt he camera on me........LOL.  He said we didn't have enough of me.  True.  But I'm very thankful for the ones I have of him.

Here's Ginger's quick-page

Thursday, August 5, 2010

More Name Frames - Add-ons to what I already Have - 1

I have more of the name frames for you.  These are add-ons to what I already have made.  I will have more but I first have to go thru them to see if I haven't already made them..........LOL.   Anyway, this is your freebie for today.  And again, I am adding the names that you are giving to me in the blog posts.  So, If you want a name made just leave a comment in my blog posts - not 4 shared.  I may miss them if you put them on 4shared.  Also, I'm trying out mediafire so let me know if it works out better.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brand New kit called "Playing at the Park"

Hey everyone, I finally added a brand new kit in the store.  Yeah, maybe I'm back in full swing.  Anyway, it's called "Playing at the Park".  I'm offfering it full-size and in it's separate parts of papers or elements.  There's lots of stuff in it.  There are bars, swings, frames, leaves, flowers, 1 turtle, squirrels, borders, slides, sidewalks, bridges, benches, grills, picnic tables and even a trash can.....LOL.  Had to add that.  Hey, we gotta keep our parks clean right?  Here's the previews.

You can find it for sale HERE in my store!

I made a quick-page for you guys using this kit.  Hope you like it.

Download Here

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Crome Name Frames - A ---part 5 of 5

Finally!  Here is the last set of Crome Name Frames for my Letter A,
except for those that have been added since. 

I have added the names Brooke, Cheryl, Brendan (think it's already on there),
Cole, Murray, Barb, Betty and Beverly to the list if they
aren't already there too.  Just be patient and I'll get them
 all out to you as I get to them.

Here are today's Names.  I'll start witht he B's tomorrow.

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