Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wordart Freebie and Tuesday Cu Savings!

My Masks - Split Photos - Set 4 - CU/PU $2.99
Sale: $1.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

My Masks - Split Photos - Set 4 - CU/PU

Here are 4 photo masks in size 4x4 at 300 dpi.  Each one is filled with black color and can easily be filled with a paper or photo of your...
CU Denim Blue _ PaperPack - CU4CU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Blue _ PaperPack - CU4CU

Here are some Commercial Use Papers from my Denim Blue kit. There are 36 papers at 12x12 300 dpi and they are all in greyscale color that can be...
CU Denim Blue - Elements - CU4CU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Blue - Elements - CU4CU

Here are some elements from my Denim Blue kit that are for Commercial Use.  Each elements is a png file that is in grayscale at 300dpi. ...
CU Denim Grab Bag 1 - CU/PU $3.99
Sale: $2.00
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Grab Bag 1 - CU/PU

Here is an Element Grab Bag that contains 13 elements.  They are for Personal and Commercial Use.  All png files.
CU Zig Zag Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Zig Zag Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU

Here are 10 zig zag stitch borders in various sizes.  Each one is approximately 12" in width at 300 dpi.  Each one is an individual...
CU Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU

Here are 10 stitch borders in various sizes.  Each one is approximately 12" in width at 300 dpi.  Each one is an individual png...

CU Cross Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Cross Stitches - Set 1 - CU/PU

Here are 10 cross stitch borders in various sizes.  Each one is approximately 12" in width at 300 dpi.  Each one is an individual png...
CU Denim Blue - Fabric Overlays - CU/PU $4.99
Sale: $2.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Blue - Fabric Overlays - CU/PU

Here are 6 overlays that you can use for papers.  Each one has transparency and texture to enable you to make different fabrics of denim,...
CU Denim Blue - Seam and Zipper Swirlies - CU4CU $2.99
Sale: $1.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Blue - Seam and Zipper Swirlies - CU4CU

Here are some seam and zipper swirlies that I made as an add-on to my Denim Blue kit.  There are 5 total swirlies all in grayscale and at 300...
CU Denim Blue -Seam and Zipper Frames - CU4CU $2.99
Sale: $1.50
Save: 50% off

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Max: 1

CU Denim Blue -Seam and Zipper Frames - CU4CU

Here are some Denim Zipper and Denim Seam frames for all your layouts.  There are 2 page border frames and 7 other frames.  For personal...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Freebie wordart and New kit in the store.

Here is my January Sale

You can find my store by clicking link below

And here are some coupons you can use for my store.


New kit in the store

Traveling the Globe
Texas Wildlife and Flowers
Traveling the Globe - Texas Wildlife & Flowers - Full Size Kit 

Elements Only
Traveling the Globe - Texas Wildlife & Flowers - Elements Only

Papers Only
 Traveling the Globe - Texas Wildlife & Flowers - Papers Only

Freebie update from Yesterday!

Wordart Freebie

Hey guys I was looking at my wordart and realized I never got the actualy wordart in the folder but it is there now.  So if you didn't get it previously just redownload it because it's been updated.  Sorry for that. 
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