Friday, February 27, 2009

New wedding book...............from Artscow

I made another wedding book at artscow.

I used Pams book templates to make the front, back, spine and some of the pages................should have used it with all of them.

Here is the link to go see my finished book............

Let me know what you think.

And here are some more of the pages that I put in the book...........more layouts from my Seashore wedding kit. Also, tomorrow is the last day for our 1yr anniversary sale. So hurry over if you want to catch some of our great specials..........Everything 50% off.

StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

SISAD1.jpg picture by ejregnold

Also, in March we are going to have a suprise for you..........a March Collab.....I saw the preview and it looks great too. So, I'll be back on the first to show you the preview. Don't want to ruin the surpise now do we.........

Here are the layouts I made.

Wordart is by Bethany of Elegant Wordart 2.

Wordart is by Bethany at Elegant Wordart 2.

The necklace was created by Pam at Digitreats...........she made it for me as a present for my wedding. Isn't she just the greatest.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New link to quick page

I've noticed people are having problems with 4shared about virus'. So I put up a new link to the quickpage from SaveFile. Let me know if it works ok.

Download Here from 4shared

Download Here from SaveFile

Lucky Leprechaun QP1

SISAD1.jpg picture by ejregnold


As promised I have the quick-page for you. I think you will like it.

I made some pages the other day of some old photos of my little cousin (who's not so little anymore - he'll be 12 in May) Thomas. I used my Fluttering Dragonflies for the layouts.

My Fluttering Dragonflies is only $2.00 this month in the store.
Click on preview to see!

Fluttering Dragonflies Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

I also want to show you some more wedding pages that I made using my Seashore Wedding kit (yes) again - this kit is so versatile I think.

My Seashore Wedding kit is only $3.00 right now in the store.

Seashore Wedding by ApriltheScrapaholic

Remember everything is still 50% - click on previews to go to store!

And the add-on is only $1.50

Seashore Wedding Addon by ApriltheScrapaholic

This is a page of our "dance".

Wordart by Bethany of Elegant Wordart 2

And the next 2 are just of us should recognize the photos.

Wordart by Bekah_E

Wordart by Ginger!

And this page is of me and my parents.

And this is all of us and I love all of our expressions. Had to include all the photos!

Wordart by Bethany of Elegant Wordart 2
I just added shadow,texture and color to match the page.

And here is your quick-page.

Download Here

Monday, February 23, 2009

HI everyone............

Sorry guys,

My schedule has been quite hectic this past week. I should be on a regular schedule as of tomorrow. Or at least my regular schedule. My sleeping schedule just got twisted. My boss scheduled me for days 6am-2pm when I'm used to working 12midnight-8am. I just can't sleep hardly at night anymore even on days off. So it messed me up a little.

I actually made you a quick-page the other day using my new Lucky Leprechaun kit. I saved it as a jpeg and before I could save it as a png my program shut down. And I still haven't gotten to remake it.

I'm going to show you the layout I made with it but I still have to get it back to a png.

This will be what your quick page will look like without photo of course.

I'll be back tomorrow to give it to you.

Here's the preview for the kit again:

See ya in the morning.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I was tagged by Ginger

I got tagged by Ginger for the 6th picture challenge. I was just checking out her blog and I found it. So let me go see what my photo is.

Here are the rules of the challenge:

Go to your photo folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of the photos.
Go to the sixth picture.
Put the picture on your blog with a description.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

Oh my....................I'm actually in this photo and I look awful. We had just put up our swing in the backyard and I was swinging on it. Here my Shaylee is trying to get on with me. My house shoes don't even match! How funny. Forgot about that.

You know I'd tag you Ginger but you marked me first. I love your wordart too. Especially the duct tape on. Go check out Ginger Here!

Check out this page Ginger made with my Fluttering Dragonflies kit.

Fluttering Dragonflies Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

And here is one that she made with my Chocolate Decadence kit!

And she made this one using my Back to School Paperclips Kit

Back to School Paperclip Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

And this on is from my Back to School - Crayon Madness kit!

Back to School Crayon Madness Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

She's doing such a great job making layouts. I'm just behind on posting them here on my blog. Thank you Ginger!

New Lucky Leprechaun kit in store.............................

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sweet Valentine Quickpage..........................

anniversaryad.jpg 2nd Place: Secret Garden Creations picture by ejregnold

(Don't forget our sale)
StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

HI everyone,

I made a quick page for you using my Sweet Valentine kit. I also used my heart snowglobes too.

I made a page using my little JoJo with his little bear I got him for Valentines. In my layout with JoJo, I added shadows to the globes. That part won't be in your quick page. Sorry, I was too tired to figure out how to keep it in there.

Here is my layout
and here is a preview of what your will get. I have also added the Happy Valentines Day wordart and the year 2009 like in the above layout.

Download Here

ArtsCow Coupon.............

I got a coupon from ArtsCow that I can share with you all.

Key Chain

No Quantity limit!! Order now & Share with your friends!!!

Rectangle Key Chain:
Round Key Chain:
Heart Key Chain:

Checkout Code : KEYCHAIN199
Expires on 03/03/2009

This coupon code is applicable to 3-Ring Key Chain too, $3.99/each with free shipping.

3-Ring Key Chain:

Just thought I would share.

Be Back Later

Saturday, February 14, 2009

PhotoHunt: Theme........Nautical


The theme for PhotoHunt this week is Nautical.

Having trouble with this one so I've decided to use some of the photos from our trip to Corpus. We visited and saw the Lady Lex "Blue Ghost" aka Lexington USS Naval Ship. When we toured it, we felt like we were entering a submarine ship. It was really cool. At night when it glows blue and that's why it's nick-named the "blue ghost".

This is a little tug boat that pushed the Texas Treasure out into the ocean. I thought he was cute so I included him too. Hard to believe that this little boat pushed that big boat out into the ocean.

This is a seagull that we saw resting on top of some wooden pillars.

And here we are aboard the Texas Treasure together.

And my now hubby, Jose with a beautiful sea sunset behind him.

Now here is the Lady Lex.

And now I've changed my mind again......I took the photo below on the Texas Treasure thinking I could make it a background page for some kit. But I think it fits for nautical too.

It is overlooking the gulf of Mexico. The Texas Treasure took us about 15 minutes out into the ocean beyond the USA limits and that is when everyone got to gamble. I didn't though. I just came for the photos and a chance to see dolphins, which I finally did on the second trip to corpus. They followed the boat to sea. Pretty cool.

Maybe this one works. If not take your pick ---- haha.
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