Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photo Hunt-------July 31: Public

Here's me and my Jo (Jose) when we went to the TX Rangers Game. 
Our friend Matt went with us too.  He's the one focused on the game beside Jose.

How Public is this photo?  I believe baseball is as public as it gets.

and I know I'm late but I didn't get a hanging photo in so I'm gonna post it now.

I decided to use the photos that I have of my Jose with his fish hanging from his fishing line. 
I know they are old photos but their favorites.

Man he really loved to fish. 
And I loved watching him fish. 
He was really quite entertaining.

Crome Name Frames - A ---part 4 of 5

Ok I know it's been a while.  But I'm gonna get back into it. 
Here is the 4th portion of my name frames

Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

I just wanted to say
Happy Birthday
to my dear sweat Jose.  He would have been 37 today.  I'm missing him very much. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Products made on ArtsCow - Drink Coasters

I made these coasters at ArtsCow and put my puppies on them. I love them. They turned out wonderful. Also got a mouse pad that was very nice too!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

ShayleeNJoJoNPeanut Notebook by april - 5.5" x 8.5" Notebook @

I made this notebook from ArtsCow. It let me design the front which I put Shaylee on, the back which has JoJo, the inside front which I did a collage of all 3 puppies and the inside back which has a full photo of Peanut. Cool notebooks from what I can tell. You can also choose ruled, unruled or graph style for the paper.

Baby Girl QuickPage 1................freebie

I made this quickpage, and another one I'll give to you tomorrow, a while back and I don't believe I ever gave them out to you. They are really cute.
Still trying to figure out how to set up a store. I may just set it up here on my blog. Someone ordered my Ladybugs kit the other day which was really cool. I didn't realize I still had it on here for sale. So I may just do that for now. I'll let you know when I decide. My brother and I are making some really cool stuff. We are both artists and have decided to build on that. The deal is that we are totally opposite in our artwork. That may end up being a huge plus because you have more to choose from. So we'll have some goodies to show you when we get it all done. It will all be art stuff though not altogether scrapbooking.
Here's your freebie for today!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Photo Hunt-------July 17: Triangle

Took these photos at the State Fair of Texas. I know that the its round but there are triangles all inside it and it's built on triangles too!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Word Art freebie

I made some wordart for you. This is just something we were playing around with. Hope you like it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Metallic Frames..............

Here's a couple more pics of my babies.
Here's a pic of my Shaylee.
Looks like she's gonna get lasso'd up in the water hose..LOL.
She always gives me that serious face.
Here's another pic of my JoJo in my back yard.
Here are some metallic frames that I made. Hope you like them and can use them in your layouts. You can probably put separate pics in each frame or one huge pic in the entire frame. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Red Light Green Light Alpha

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We went to moms. We didn't get back until 3am and I had to be at work at 8am. Whew! Always push it. Thank god for my brother because he drove back. But we spent some quality time with our dad. It was good to see my brothers together again. I think all in all in all it was a good trip.
Here's my JoJo posing from a chair in at my moms.

My Jojo stole Shaylee's ball for a bit here.

Check out JoJo (top) and Peanut in their lifejackets. These were taken pre-haircuts.

Here's the alpha I'm giving to you today. It has Upper, Lower and Numeric alphas in all colors of red, blue, green and yellow.

Expired Link

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update from Me - Sorry it took so long.

Hey Everyone,

Wow, I hope I still have some readers out there. I want to apologize to everyone. I've kind of been taking a break for a while. I've been emotionally tired. Just been trying to deal with everything that's happened in my life. I'm ok but it's been hard. I'm working random work schedules now which is throwing me off. I'm not getting the right sleep that I need most of the time. But I'm dealing with it. On a good note I love my new puppy Peanut. He's been good for me. Also my brother is staying with me now which is also good for me. He's so optimistic about everything. Maybe he will rub off on me eventually.

Also, I'm not at ScrapitSassy anymore. I haven't gotten into a new store yet but I've got plans. I'll let you all know when I know. I may be opening up my own store. So for now I'll give you all freebies till I get settled back in.

Here are some pics of Peanut. Check out those legs!

I'll post some of Shaylee and JoJo later on.

Aw....isn't he cute!

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