Sorry I've been out for a bit. I had to go to the emergency room last Saturday and I've been trying to take a break from the computer a bit. I got a muscle spasm in my neck. I woke up at 10:30 friday night (had to be at work at midnight) and I couldn't move my head at all. It hurt really bad. Had a lot of stabbing pain going into my head. My first instinct was that I was paralized but then realized I could move my legs and back. My puppies were jumping all around me, excited that I was away and were making it worse. I guess I screamed and Jose came to check me. He wanted to get me up right away and I was like "no - wait". Finally after my panic attack (about 30min) he lifted me up to sitting position which felt better. But still couldn't move my head. It was like a constant bad headache with shooting/stabbing pains. Jose called my boss and I told her I didn't think I could make it in. She told me to go to the emergency room right them. Well, you know me. I figured it would go away after a while but it didn't. Mom told me that it was probably like having a charly horse in your neck instead of a leg muscle (which thank god I haven't actually had - but i think i'd rather have it in my leg). Jose took me to the emergency room the next morning. I could then move my head a little but not much. Certainly couldn't drive. They gave me muscle relaxers and pain medicine. I'm much better now. Just having headaches now. Trying not to strain too much. So that's why I've been gone lately. Whew! Don't ever want that to happen again. I wish that none of you have to experience it either.
So, to get back into the groove I'm giving you some papers I made with my Seashore Wedding kit. Hope you like them. Here's a page I made using one of them.
And here are the papers............there are 5 total with background included. Hope you like them.
Take it easy! Hope you feel better soon.
I'm so glad you're feeling better. Love the papers!
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