Well, she's still in the hospital but is looking good. I think she said she'll be getting out soon. They are just keeping tabs on her for now. She told us that they think her lung is now ok. Hopefully the rest of the surgery went well and she can go back to her life. She had been only on a liquid diet for weeks that we know of anyway.
We have a flavor wave and bought another one to give to her. (These machines are wonderful if you haven't tried one) It takes out all the fat in the food and bakes/grills/broils everything. We thought it would help her and her family eat better/healthier. It makes the best chicken you'll ever eat - baked and fried! Also does great pork chops, tenderloins, steaks, sausage - the only thing i've screwed up twice in this machine is a beef roast. Haven't gotten that one down yet. Great thing about it is it doesn't heat up your house at all and you can even take it with you camping or wherever you have electricity and use it.
But back to the store I hope it helps them. We definitely eat better even though you can't tell by looking at us. My deal is I need exercise. I need to start walking again. It's not the eating habbits. I used to walk 4 miles everyday. I've gotten very lazy. Just gotta find time between this and my regular job and get it going.
Hey if my parents can quit smoking at age 62 and 61 then I can loose the weight again. Yeah, my mom just quit more than a month ago and my dad since then. HE wanted to see if it worked for her before he tried it. They look 10yrs healthier now. No coughing spells anymore. I can talk on the phone with my mom now without waiting for her to catch her breath. I am so proud of them. They had been smoking since teenagers.
They are doing this e-cigarette thing online. They have this plastic thing with a wick in it that lets them still go through the motions without all the crud. What I thought was smoke was just vapor coming out of their mouths. No smoke / smell at all. They get these little bitty bottle that they insert a drop onto the wick of the ecigarette and use that. As they progress they use smaller amounts until they don't need it at all. Dad said they actually tried 1 cig one time and couldn't handle it at all. They have a whole case of cigarettes they haven't touched and are planning to give away. Did I say how proud of them I am? This was big for them. I just want them to be healthier.
Anyway, sorry for gabbing.
Here's what your all waiting for.
Ginger has a great quickpage for you on her blog using my Fairy Land kit.

This is my layout using her quick-page.

And don't forget to give her some love!
and here's mine -----------

Hope you all like these.