Saturday, October 31, 2009

OMG - My Creative Team has been busy!

Happy Halloween

I am behind in posting. My hubby was really sick yesterday and seems better today. My mom got onto me saying he had the swine flue. Let's hope not (knock on wood). He didn't have a fever though. I think it was food poisoning so I didn't get to get on the computer yesterday.
Now look what I've missed.

Nita's quick-pages are in the previous post.

Now for Ginger and Lori.

I'll give you Ginger's first.
She's not behind and may have passed me
She made this adorable page using my new kit called "Holiday Baking".
I just love it. You wouldn't even think it was a baking kit if not for the cookie pins.

Holiday Baking by ApriltheScrapaholic

Here it is:

I wasn't sure about my bows but now I am. It looks great on her page.

Download this page on Ginger's blog HERE

And don't forget her great Wordart she has today!

Now I have 2 layouts from Lori that are just lovely.
Such pretty pages. Now in case you don't know. Lori and I work together (real-life___lol) and she's my boss. So it's really busy at work and she stays busy. Like me this is her stress reliever. So with the holidays she's a tad behind but look at the awesome stuff she's come up with.

She's made 4 quick-pages using my Autumn Kisses kit.
I know I've shown the last 2 to you before but I just wanted to get them altogether.

Autumn Kisses by ApriltheScrapaholicAutumn Kisses Snowglobes by ApriltheScrapaholic

The first 2 are her new ones.

Go to Lori's Blog Here and Download All 4 Pages

And Don't forget to leave ALL my Ct's Some love when you download.

Thank you Ladies!

New Pages from Nita

Hey everyone.

Nita has made 2 great quick pages for you.
She used these kits to make them.
Don't forget they are 45% Off thru Nov 9th.

Cowboys & Indians by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

The first one is from my Cowboy and Indians kit.
Love how she made this page. Great Job!


and the other page was made using my Happy Thanksgiving kit.
Love how she made a wreath using my leaves. So pretty!


Download from Nita's Blog Here and Get Both Pages

StoreWide Sale at ScrapitSassy.

Our entire store - over 50 designers on sale
35-65% off all products $2 and up!!

All my products are 45% off till Nov 9th.

Also, just added to the store.

Googly Eyeballs by ApriltheScrapaholic

Aren't these funny?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New kits and quick page from lori.

I just added 2 new things to my store at ScrapitSassy.

I added this new kit called Holiday Baking. I was going to call it Holiday Sweets but I went with the other. There are lots of cookies in it (not all are pictured), frames, ribbons, bows, stick pins, safety pins, paper clips, tags and recipe index cards. Also, remember those little notebooks I had in my Back to School kit, well I made some for this kit - 1 tall one like the others and 3 wide ones to add a recipe too. I thought they turned out pretty cool.

I also added some more snowglobes to my store.
I used elements from my Autumn Kisses kit.

Pretty aren't they. I also added a photo template to fill with your photo to place behind the snowglobes. I may end up making them for a lot of my kits being I liked these so much.

Here is a layout Lori made using my Autumn kisses kit. This is her second page.

Download From Lori's Blog Here

Be back later.
Be sure to leave my Ct's some love if you Download.

Quick-Page from Nita.

Also, I just wanted to announce that I am now a designer at Dazzling Scraps too. So far I've only gotten my Christmas Time kit and an alpha in there. But you can find my kits there too. What you can't find in ScrapitSassy you will find in there.

Here's my Christmas Time kit that's at Dazzling Scraps

Christmas Time Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

Green and Gold Alpha by ApriltheScrapaholic

Yeah! Nita's back. She's had a few internet problems but I'm hoping it's all better for her now. So she just sent me this wonderful page using my Hallow's Eve kit that you can find at ScrapitSassy.

Hallow's Eve by ApriltheScrapaholic


Download Nita's quickpage on Her Blog Here

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quickpages fom Ginger and Lori

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been on all day. We've been on the go since I got off this morning at 10am. Well, from 10-2 we had company. My husbands friend came over and they played PS3 - Resident Evil the whole time. I get a kick out of listening to them play. It lets you play 2 player and they are hilarious to listen to. You'd think they were actually in the game.

Then after that we went to the movies. Jose wanted to watch scary movies this time. So we saw "Paranormal Activity" first and then "Saw VI" after that.

Honestly, we've seen all 5 Saw movies and have/love all of them. But we weren't all that impressed with the 6th one. It was ok - gruesome as usual. Just didn't seen as scary. You just kind of knew what was going to happen and it wasn't all that suspenseful like they usually are.

But Paranormal Activity scared the crap out of us. You basically watch these two people on a tape that they are taping themselves. It just gives you the creeps. I don't really want to tell you about it because I don't want to give anything away but there was a LOT of screaming from the audience at the end. Don't think I've ever heard screaming that loud. If I hadn't actually been that scared myself at the end I would have thought it was funny. I, myself was too scared to scream. You know what I mean. Your voice gets caught in your throat. Yeah that was me. It even scared my hubby. Now he's saying right now that we won't be able to sleep tonight. I told him Shaylee and JoJo will protect us. Yeah, they'll lick them to death!

I have 2 pages from my CT members today.

The first one is from Ginger. This is her second page using my Hallows Eve kit.

Download this page on Ginger's Blog Here

Then I have a page from Lori using my Autumn Kisses kit. Isn't it lovely.

Download from Lori's Blog Here

I'll be back tomorrow with something for you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

New qp by Ginger using my Hallow's Eve kit.

Ginger made this great page using my Hallow's Eve kit. Isn't it great. She's gonna have another one for you tomorrow.

If you want this quickpage

Download it Here from Ginger's Blog

and don't forget to send her some love.

Plus she has some great wordart today (as always).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hallow's Eve Quickpage 1 by me.............freebie

Remember, All my products are on Sale for 50% off Through Oct 30th.

I want to share a couple of pages made from the ladies of the CT team at ScrapitSassy. One of them made a couple of pages using my Fairy Land kit.

And another member used my Woods n Plaids kit.
They did a great job. They finally picked one of my kits. Yeah!

Also, I finally made you a quick-page using my Hallow's Eve kit. Sorry for the wait. I work nights as I've told you before and sometimes I tend to fall asleep while I'm making stuff. So it takes a bit sometimes to get it to you. I mostly get my stuff done on my days off. And yes I do find myself asleep at the computer with my little JoJo whining at me to wake up while Shaylee's usually sound asleep at my feet. Hope you like the page.

Download here

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New candy bar wrapper from Ginger.

Ginger made this awesome Candy Bar Wrapper for you using my new Hallow's Eve kit.

I'm trying to come up with something for you too but it will be a little later.

Download it On Ginger's Blog Here
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