Sunday, June 29, 2008

ABC Skip Yellow Floral Blanket Alpha with Flowers ...................Freebie!

Hi everyone, Here is the yellow alpha to the skip colors. Sorry I am handing them all out separately, but the files would be huge if I gave them all out at once. Besides this allows me to give you a freebie almost every day.

I am still moving. My fiance thinks we are finished but all of my paints and stuff are still there ( I can actually start painting again) and I would hate not to have them now that I can use them. Most of the stuff there is mine. I have so much stuff it's unreal but I don't want to throw most of it. Some of it I am but I now have more than enough room to be able to have it and use it. I'm not sure that "some" (not all) men understand that. We women just have lots of stuff. So I'm still moving. Loving the house. Can't wait to get it all organized. It's going to be great. Absolutely love getting rid of that awful apartment.

So if you want this alpha you can grab it here !!!! Have a good restful night everyone. Later.

Friday, June 27, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Embossed Brick Upper Letters_Freebie !!!!

I'm putting this on quick today. I've got tons of work to do. Just got till Sunday. Spent our first "real" night here that wasn't spent sleeping on the floor. My mom and dad got the bed the last two nights and boy did I sleep really well. It was nice. We still don't have our clothes here. WE got the washer and dryer hooked up so we can wash but everything I need to wash is still at the apartment. Our hot water heater is still being fixed. We have no hot water right now. I took the coldest shower of my life this morning. I'm spoiled, I usually take hot showers. But I feel much better now. I'm so excited to be getting everything over here now. Jose put up the mailbox yesterday even though I still think it's a little tall. Haha. Now I need to go pick up our mail at the post office. I think they've been holding it for us. So much to do in so little time.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Skip Floral Blanket Alpha...Light Pink...........Freebie!!!!

Hi everyone. I am still moving into my new house. Got lots to do still. My parents left this morning but I still have lots to move. Not so much big stuff is left thought. STill got to get my computer desk and a lot of stuff in there. The house is looking more ours now. We went 2 days without any air. Someone had stolen the copper wiring out of our AC unit. Can you believe it. The people we bought the house from fixed it though along with a few other things. Now it's really nice. But I feel really disorganized. WE have stuff everywhere. But it will be great.

So I'm giving you the light pink version of the Floral Blanket alphas today. Gotta make it quick so I can get busy. Just wanted to keep in touch with you all. I do hope you like these alphas. I think they came out really cute.

If you want them you can grab them here!!

I'll check back with you all later. I'm getting some really cute names for the cowboy chris kit. I'll let you know when I decide on the name. Take care everyone.

Monday, June 23, 2008

ABC Skip Blue Floral Blanket Alpha with Flowers ...................Freebie!

I am also creating this kit that I used in these layouts. It's kind of a modern western rustic rod iron with horses and cattle look to it.

If anyone can think of a really cool name for this I would appreciate it. I actually wanted to name it after my friend Chris Holy who is a cowboy himself. I wanted to tribute the names of some of my kits to friends and family.

So if someone can come up with a great name for me using this kit with his name in it that would be really cool. All I can think up is Holy Cow or Holy Smokes and that's just not right.
I'm sure he's reading this laughing right now.

So let me know what you guys think of this kit so far. I have already made lots of stuff like borders, frames and elements for it.

I was busy while I was out. I made a whole alpha (or several) for the the skip abc kits. I made an alpha for each skip color and added matching flowers to all the Uppercase letters. The lowers are just plain colors. I think they are pretty cool.

If you noticed, I used the same flower that was used on the floral blankets. Thats so they would match. I probably won't do these with the jump and run ones though. WE'll have to see. I still have to make the other requests for you guys too. Got to do the jump plaid papers and the other floral papers in the run.

You can Download Here to get the Blue Skip Alpha.

Flag Numeral freebie too.

Well, they cut off my internet last Monday and I have just now got it turned back on. I am now getting into my new house. We are still moving stuff in but I have the computer set up now. We didn't close on the house until Friday the 20th. We had to postpone the cable and internet 3 times. So I am sorry I haven't been around. Trust me. I missed you guys. So you get 2 freebies today. Yeah.

Here are the numerals that I promised for the Flag alphas.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I hope all of you dads or fathers out there have a very Happy Father's Day. I meant to do a kit but I just haven't had the time. I'll try to get something up later. Wanted to do a fishing kit for my Dad. That's what he loves to do best. Got lots of papers just trying to get the elements just right.


July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper YZ! freebie!.............again :) so sorry.

Hi yall, I told you guys that I was tired. I think what happened is that I fell asleep at the computer when I was posting this and when I realized that I had fallen asleep I just thought I was finished and just went on too bed. I've been doing that alot lately. Seems that everytime I get home from my 12am-8am job and post my stuff and then pack for a little while. I am finding that I'm falling asleep in my computer chair. More times than I want to admit. And it's not that comfortable to sleep in.

I've been trying to pack my computer room and parts of me isn't ready to do so. But I am. It's close to being done now. But I take a break and sit in the chair and I'm gone.

So please be patient with me if I make anymore mistakes like I just did. I work with my best friend Lori and she told me I left off the download link. She said it might have been 4shard but I can assure you it was just me. I just didn't put it on. So please forgive me and have a good laugh at my expense. Believe me, I'm laughing too. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laught at right? Take care guys.

Now lets try this again. If you want this last portion please Download Here .

Friday, June 13, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper YZ! freebie!

This is the last edition to the Upper alphas of the flag alpha sets. I still have the lower alphas to do too, but that may have to wait till after I get all moved.

You get the exclamation point with this one. Pretty cool. I hope that you have enjoyed these.

Talk later.


July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper VWX freebie!

Hi Yall,

Just a quick post. Here is the VWX version of the alphas. Hope you like it. If you like all the papers and stuff don't forget you can buy the whole kit in my store for only $4. Just check the side post. When you click on the kit it will take you to a slide show which I did post on one of my blogs where you can see what alls in the kit.

Not long to go. It's just a waiting process for us on the house. But only a few days left. So take care everyone.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper STU freebie!

HI all, I'm getting close now. We got our utilities set to turn on at the house on Monday and Tuesday. Too cool. Not much more waiting.

I still have to pack some more of my computer room. But that's practically all I have left. Then the moving and then the cleaning. So close but yet so far. I'm going to be exhausted by the time this is over. Hopefully by next month we can actually begin to enjoy the new house. Right now I can't even get in it. I can only drive by and sigh. Waiting is a killer isn't it.

Anyway, my internet will be turned on over there by Tuesday between 1 and 3, so hopefully I can keep everything going.

Some of you have written that your surpised I have kept up thru all the packing. I already have all the letters made. I just have to make a preview now and then. So it's not as hard as it seems. That's why I decided to do the alpha thing for you. When I get tired of packing I just sit down and work on this a little bit.

Hey, I noticed that I have almost 4 stars on the digifree site. Too cool. I used to barely have 1. Not up there with digitreats or anywhere close but I'm up there. I don't know how they figure out the star thing anyways. But it was really cool to see.

Anyway, enough babbling from me. If you want this portion you can DOWNLOAD HERE .

Also I'm noticing that some of the downloads are kind of irregular. For instance, only 150 downloaded DEF and 250 downloaded ABC. Well, if you want to have the ENTIRE ALPHA, you have to download all of them. Just reminding in case some of you thought you got the whole thing the first time.

I've also made another one to go along with this one. It's has a brick texture and I will be giving that one to you later as a whole. It's pretty neat.

So you all take care and I'll see you later.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper PQR freebie!

Ok Here you guys go....I finally have another portion of the Flag alpha....this is the PQR portion. I changed up the preview a little bit. Trying not to make them all look so much the same. Also, trying to let you see what some of the other papers look like in the kit. I kind of like my stars.

Still packing. Knocked out a closet last night. Now to get the bathroom and bedroom completely finished and then last but not at all the least is my computer room. You should see all stuff I have in here. And I don't want to throw anything away. Isn't that crazy. Lots of photo albums, scrapbooks, scrap paper and I don't even really paper scrap anymore. And then just a bunch of stuff.

My fiance keep shaking his head at me. Lord he's trying to help. But you know how guys are. They just throw things together. I finally got him convinced last night that we NEED to tape up the bottom of the boxes and not just fold them. Haha you say. I'm serious. He thought they would be fine like that. I told him that I don't want my mom carrying stuff and it all dropping out the bottom because we didn't tape it. Crazy. Had to convince him to double and sometimes triple the tape because my stupid self went cheap for him and bought actually cheap tape. Trying to help and look what I do. Won't make that mistake next time if I need to buy more anyway.

So, if you would like this alpha just DOWNLOAD HERE And wish me more luck in packing. It's getting close and I'm too excited. We went and sort of reserved a almost $900 fridge yesterday. It has the double doors or french doors with the water and ice dispencer. We decided to get one we really wanted. And it's black and a Whirlpool. Question: Which is better Whirlpool or Frigidaire?

We found some dishwashers that are only in the $200 range. So we're going to get one of those much later. I can hand wash for the time being. WE just didn't look on the other side of the counter the other day and see the dishwashers that were less than $600.

Talk to you again later.................................................................................................................

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blogging some more....

Hi everyone, I am in the process of getting the PQR portion done of our alpha set.

This goes to Digi-Dottie who asked about DEF and GHI. I already posted these but you can still get them. They are all unlimited to download. Complete freebies. Just go to my sidebar and scroll down to the LABELS list. Find the July4th Red White and Blue then click on it and you will get all links to the alpha and get what you missed. You have plenty of time to get them.

If I don't get stuff out so quick it's because I'm tremendously busy packing. We close on either the 16th or 17th and we can already turn on the utilities there. We're so excited. But I still have lots to get together. Haven't even started on my computer room yet. Yikes! So we'll see how it goes. I'll be back on a little later.

Thanks, April

Monday, June 9, 2008

Buy My July 4th Red White & Blue Kit.

This is my July 4th Red White and Blue kit. You get lots of papers (5 solid papers, 4 Design papers, 6 patterened papers and 10 flag papers), 3 plain metallic stars, 3 fancy metallic stars, 2 star clusters, 2 flags, 6 bows, 8 ribbons, 4 quickpages, 3 rod iron round frames, 3 rod iron star frames, 2 layered metallic stars and 3 metallic star borders.

Buy for only $4.00

Sunday, June 8, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper MNO freebie!

Hi everyone,

Here is my UPPER MNO protion of my flag alphas. I hope that you like them as well. Not sure if I told you or not but I will be giving out the lower versions as well. That way I can give you freebies more often.

If you would like this installment of my Flag alpha just DOWNLOAD HERE

You guys have a nice day and a big HUGE THANK YOU to tokensmonger for ordering my leather and sweet valentine kits. Much appreciated.

Bye - Bye

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Blogging again..

This is to Krysten.....I forgot that I hadn't done the Jump colors in the plaid papers. I did mean to do them. Don't worry I'll get those too you all as well.

Also, I will be doing the run in the floral blankets and I did decide to keep the flower on them. I can also do the blanket by itself without the flower if anyone is interested.

Talk later, I'm about to pack it up and go to bed.

ABC Skip Floral Papers again......Link Expired

Hi everyone. I am reposting my Skip version of the Floral Blanket Papers. This is for Breeoxd on 4shared for her comment on me making them for the skip kit. I guess you missed them the first time. So here you have them again. And in case you wanted to know, I will be making them in the Run version as well.

Now this is to Fenn from 4shared: My hard drive is kaput....down for the count unless I want to pay $500 to $1500 to fix it. Maybe in the future but not now. So, I'm starting over on some stuff.

Also, for the rest of my freebie add-on's to the ABC kit just check out the labels on my sidebar. You can find everything there.

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Friday, June 6, 2008


In case you are wondering, I set up another 4shared account using my other email address using Shaylee's name. It's the free account so that should take care of the bandwidth problem. We'll see. It's funny that the free acct has unlimited bandwidth but when you pay for more space to store stuff with, the bandwidth is very limited. Crazy isn't it. Anyway, my little shaylee is going to be giving you all freebies now. Isn't that too cute.

Here is a pic of her with my moms care bear that she found and would not give back. We had to chase her down to get it. She seems to find all of my moms and my 11 yr old cousin Thomas' stuffed animals in the house.

It's really quite funny. She also finds all the tennis balls around the house too.

Talk to you later.

ABC Jump Floral Papers ...................Freebie!

HI everyone, I decided today to add another addition to Pam's famous ABC Kit. A friend of mine said that she would like to have my floral blanket papers for her upcoming granddaughter, Isabella. She had bought names for her in the jump colors, so obviously I have to make these just for her. But I'll share them with you too.

Here you go Lori. Here are your papers.

Also, I will do them in run colors too.

And don't worry I will get back to my flag alpha. Now I got to sleep and then pack some more. It's taking forever it seems. Only 10 more days to go until we close on the house. I've had people telling me that sometimes it takes a long time to close. I sure hope that that doesn't happen to us. We really don't want to have to stay in this apartment for another month. I'll stay positive though. I guess my fiance is making me anxious. He's really quite impatient and I fear that it's trying to rub off on me. So, I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed and keep packing.

Anyway, hope you like the papers and you can DOWNLOAD THEM HERE :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper JKL freebie!

Hi again, here is the JKL of my flag alpha. I hope that you like it too. I almost didn't have time to get this one posted. Too much going on.

Now my boss is telling me that I may not get the time off that I need to move. It's really hard working midnight to 8 and try and get everything done. I'm like tired all of the time. Other people asked off before me which I do understand, but I got to get out of the apartment by June 30th or there is no telling what that apartment manager might try and charge us with. We don't want to do that. So, now I'm stressing even more.

My mom and dad are coming to help us with a trailer and we we have friends to help but everyone else works too. It's gonna be close. Anyway, enought of my blabbing again. If you want this part you can DOWNLOAD HERE

See you all later :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper GHI freebie!

HI everyone again, as I have promised so far, here is the GHI portion of the alpha. I really do hope that you are enjoying these. I am definitely going to try to keep up. Going to be hard with all the packing we are doing ( or shall I say mostly me...which is ok by me) I don't know, in the end I may be just throwing things in boxes just to get out of that itsy bitsy apartment.

I'm so excited though. A new house. My mom and dad are coming down on the 17 thru the 19th or 20th to help. They are bringing a trailer. My moms actually really excited for me. It's almost too good to be true. But we really don't want to put too much on them. They are almost in their 60's now even though my Dad can pretty much outdo any younger male that I know. He still out does my brothers who should clearly be able to take him..haha. My dads quite the trooper. But I don't want them to over do it.

I'm just too excited. We have to buy a refrigerator too. We found one at Lowe's for almost $900. Ouch. But this is probably going to be a one time thing for us. My mom said to make sure we get what we want. Too cool. She approves of that too. We are still looking but that's the frig my Jose wants. It's black too. Very pretty.
Also, we need a dishwasher but that's not all that pressing. After all my dishwasher in this apartment only acts like a glorified draining rack. Doesn't clean at all. So, I can deal without a dishwasher for the time being. It's just us two anyway. But we may have BBQ's and parties once in a while but thats what they invented paper plates for right? Well we are too excited and almost can't wait. Can't hardly pack I'm so excited.
Now, I'll quite babbling. Here's what you came for. If you want the freebie you can Download Here

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper DEF freebie!

I hope that you liked the other alpha because now I am giving you the Upper DEF portion of this alpha.

I did it with a blue background this time and I emlarged all of the letters in this preview so you can see the differences in the alphas. Hope you like them.

You can get the DEF portion of the alpha DOWNLOAD HERE

See you tomorrow with another set....Now off to pack more stuff.

Monday, June 2, 2008

July 4ths Red White & Blue.....Alpha....Upper ABC freebie!

I have been making this alpha. I am putting 3 letters and/or numbers and/or symbols on one sheet. It's easier to do several at a time then just one individual item. So, I decided to give this alpha out in separate letters of 3 at a time. Hope that's not confusing.

This freebie will be the Upper ABC of the alpha. (I will be giving the lower later) I am still in the process of finishing the others. I'll try to give out 1 a day. At least till we move then you may have to wait a little for the rest.

The reason I'm doing this is because I have several different versions. One is just highlighted with shadows and no texture, another one has lots of just texture added. another one is embossed and another one is also embossed but has a white rope border around it. I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I decided to give them all to you.

If you would like this part of the alpha you can get it DOWNLOAD HERE

I really like this alpha alot. I hope that you do to. I will also have papers, stars and ribbons to match. Enjoy! Just click on the preview to see a larger version and see the textures better.
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