Friday, December 31, 2010

Crome Name Frames - Maddison

Happy New Years Everyone!

Ok here is the name frames for Maddison.

I'll have Chase, Franca and Chantal next.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Name Frames - Sandy

Finally a day off.  Now I can rest and get something done before I go back to work on Saturday.  I love going to my moms but I sometimes don't feel rested when we get back because I usually end up going to work as soon as we get here.  I know the drive is only 3 hrs to and 3 hrs from my moms but lately the driving makes me super tired.  I noticed it took some wear and tear on my brother too. 

So, I'm looking forward to a day of doing nothing.  LOL.  Thinking about going to go see a movie. 
Well, here's your name for today.  Talk to you all later.  I'm gonna go snuggle up with my puppies in my bed.  They are such snuggle bunnies. 

Here is the next set of name frames - Sandy.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Name Frames - Jordan

Hey everyone,  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.  We went to my moms and all got together.  It was fun.  Our christmas dinner consisted of a chicken sandwich one day and deer burgers the next (which were really good!) and that was just fine as far as I was concerned.  After nearly burning my turkey at Thanksgiving I wasn't really wanting a huge dinner anyway.........LOL. 

The most important thing was that I got to spend time with my two brothers David and Jr and my dad.  We spent probably 6 hrs playing scrabble and had a blast.  I haven't laughed like that for a while.  It was really nice.

I did miss my Jo though.  Missed his laughter and generosity.  He sure loved Christmas time.  And he would have loved playing with me, my dad and my brothers.  It would have been great and I'm not sure how but funnier. 

Anyway, I have a word frame for you.  I am planning on giving one of these out to you a day at a time.  That's the plan anyway.  It's easier to get one done then to try and do all at the same time.  So let's see if this works. 

The name frame for you today is JORDAN.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Brag Book page Freebie!

I've got another brag book page freebie for everyone today. I made this one using April's Grungy Spring Kit. You can pick up the kit in April's Blog Store and just click on the preview below to get the freebie.


Have a great week and I'll see you next Monday with another freebie!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Crome Name Frames - Feather

and Here is the name "Feather"

Crome Name Frames - Berenda

Here's another Name frame.  I decided to just put all 3 together and give this name to you. 

Brag Book Page Freebie

Hi everyone!

It's Ginger and I'm back with another freebie for you. I used April's Giving Thanks Kit to make this brag book freebie. You can buy the kit in April's store and just click on the preview below to go to 4shared for the BB page freebie.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Have a great week and I'll see you next Monday with another freebie.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hi everyone

Hey guys,

Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of days.  I tore up my computer room and just now got my computer all hooked back up and running.  I'm rearranging to hopefully make things easier and more spacious for me and my brother. 

So, I'll be back tomorrow with a freebie.  I have to go to work at 7am in the morning till 3, so it'll be after that.  Wanted to get something for you tonight but it's too late now.  Gotta go to sleep.  It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. 

Looking forward to watching season 2 of Dexter.  I'm addicted to it.  Me and my brother both are.   Call me morbid but it's a great show and I've only seen season 1.  It's funny because I like the Glades too on A&E channel.  We think it would be great if they did a cameo of Dexter and Jim Longworth passing each other and each one giving the other their looks.  That would be great.  They are both shot in Miami Florida.  You would think they would collide at sometime.  Of course, Dexter is in it's 5th season now and the Glades just started last summer.  Maybe they are thinking about it. 

Anyway, gotta go now and get some sleep.  Take care all.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Wordart in the store!

Hey guys,
I've added some more free wordart to the store.  Instead of posting it twice like I've been doing I think I will just direct you to the store to get the freebie.

Also, don't forget about my 3 new kits available in the store now.

Here's the wordart in the store.

Friday, December 10, 2010

An assorted Quick-Page - not from any kit at least yet.

I originally made this page for the challenge and then realized I didn't read my instructions right.  The challenge called for the car to be extracted.  LOL.  I keep doing that.  Making my pages before I get all the facts.  OH well now I have 2 of them.

 Made this page for a challenge on Scrapbook flair.
 Here's your quick-page for today.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Giving Thanks --------- Quick-Page 3 ------------------freebie

Here's another freebie quick-page from my "Giving Thanks" kit.
It matches the one from yesterday really well.

This layout is of me and my beautiful Shaylee.  Now that Thanksgiving dinner was great.  We really feasted that day.  I do miss my Jo.

 And here's the freebie

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grungy Spring 2 Brag Book Freebie

Hi! Is everyone ready for the holidays? I have not started....LOL
Here is a brag book page I made using April's "Grungy Spring 2" kit.
You can buy it on her blog. Here is the preview.



Giving Thanks --------- Quick-Page 2 ------------------freebie

I made another page of my dear Jose.  I don't have any pics from this year not only because it's a sad time for me right now but also because I tried hard to make it good but ended up nearly burning my Thanksgiving dinner.  Yes, I say nearly but I think that "God" interveined somehow.  Because it should have been burnt to a crisp. 

I had stayed up late the night before but decided to lay down anyway and set my clock for 4am.  It went off and I got the turkey in the oven by 5:15am.  Good to go, right?  Well, I then reset my clock for 7am.  I got up then and basted the Turkey - the temp was at almost 160 degrees.  Was looking great.  So I decided to put my stuffing in the oven too and then set my alarm for about 9:30am to take everything out.  Fail safe plan right.

Well, my alarm either never went off or I just didn't hear it.  Been working for like forever at work trying to get the store ready for Thanksgiving and I was pretty tired.  (I work at a grocery store in the bakery 40hrs a week)  Can you guess what time I got up?  It was at 1PM! 

I was so angry with myselt.  Even cried some because I ruined dinner for not just me (which wouldn't have been a bad thing for me) but I ruined it for my brother.  He was in our craft room working and heard me say a few things I can't mention.  He later came in to see what was wrong.

I told him I ruined Thanksgiving for him.  I felt bad because he had stayed here with me for Thanksgiving instead of going to our families house 3hrs away because he didn't want to leave me by myself.  What a great brother.  Anyway, he said it couldn't be that bad.  (My turkey was in there for 8hrs and the stuffing 6hrs).   I asked him why he didn't wake me and he said he thought I had it all under control.  Then I noticed there was no burnt smell or anything.  (Remember I had just got a new oven)  So he took it out and we checked it.  The wings were pretty much toast but almost all the breast meat and all the dark meat were fine.  The dark me was really juicy!  My stuffing wasn't even burnt exept a little bit around the edged touching the foil.  So it was all fine.  We had a great meal.  We cooked mashed potatoes and brocolli with cauliflour.  Awesome.

I know God must have been there that day but now that I think of it. 
Maybe my Jose was there watching out for me a little bit too. 
Or maybe I have a really great oven.
I'll take all three please!

So here's a layout from 2006 on Thanksgiving the first year we had Shaylee.  She even got her own plate.

 Here is your freebie quick-page today.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Video: PVC Instrument ----------Very cool!

I hope this works.  My brother shared this with me on facebook.  This guy is amazing with this instrument.  It's made from PVC Pipe................

My PVC Instrument, DRS Talent Show
Snubby J performing a medley of recognizable songs on his PVC Pipe Instrument (2.0) inspired by the Blue Man Group at the Del Rey South Talent Show at LMU. Become a fan on Facebook for exclusive videos and pictures of the PVC Instrument and...

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Giving Thanks" Kit now in the Store

Hey Everyone I finished my new Thanksgiving kit.  Whew!  Trying to catch up.

Here are the papers (there's an extra paper besides the 12 that you can see in the far background).

 and Here are the elements.  There are a total of 98 elements.  There are 23 wordart that I couldn't get on there.  A couple are shown in the preview for the whole kit.  And there are more leaf dollies, leaves, leaf wreaths, a pincone and some other things I couldn't get all on there.  There's 4 pilgrim girls. But I got most of it on there.
 and here is a freebie that I'm giving to you using the kit.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monster Mash kit now in the store.

I know another Halloween kit.  But this one is so cute.  My brother and I came up with some really cute stuff for the kit and I just had to make it.

This one is kind of for girls but you can definitely use it for little boys too.  There's lots to choose from monsters, zombies, ghosts, skulls, skeletons, witches, vampires, frankenstein, coffins and much more.  And some are even in shades of pretty colors of pinks, blues, greens and oranges.

Here are the papers.

 And here are most of the elements.  I couldn't get them all on there.  There are a total of 92 elements.  Bows are included too and I just realized I didn't get one on there.  But I got the important stuff.

 I also have a quick-page for you using the kit.
Hope you like it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dracula's Lair - Wordart 2 - Freebie

 I have my Sweet Summer Days kit in the store now.
 And Here's a New Kit called "Grungy Spring"
Originally it was a collab kit at ScrapitSassy
but I"ve now made my part of the kit for sale in the store

Don't forget my "Dracula's Lair" kit in the store now.
You get instant downloads!

Here's your freebie!
in the store.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Crome Name Frames - C - Part 1

Here's some of the Crome Name Frames that I have for "C".


Included are:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Freebie - Hallow's Eve Bows

Hey everyone,

Wow, It's taking me a while to get all the store links to be instant downloads for you.  So here's the thing.  The instant downloads are going to be the ones that now say "ADD TO CART" but they are in white not blue.  You will get an instant download form payloads when you see these the others still say "ADD TO CART" in yellow - which I have to email you the downloads.  Now please keep in mind that I do have a 40hr full time job and it takes me a bit to get home and find the order and get the links sent to you.  Hopefully that won't be a problem much longer.  I am so excited about it too.  The only problem which isn't really a problem is that I have to pay for the service of $14.95 per month.  So I'll keep it up as long as I can afford it.  Hopefully I can because it would be so much easier for the both of us.

Anyway, so here is a freebie for you today.  I've almost got all the "C" Frames done.  So I will get them to you all soon. 

(PS:  I believe Gracin and Carson are on the list but I'll make sure for you)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quick Page Freebie

Hello everyone! I made a freebie for you using April's "Let it Snow" kit. You can get it here on her blog.
Enjoy your freebie.

Here is my quick page freebie.

Download Here

PayLoadz Store Draculas Lair Elements Only Part 2

PayLoadz Store Draculas Lair Elements Only Part 1

PayLoadz Store Draculas Lair Elements Only Part 1

I finally figured it out.

Hey everyone,  I finally figured out how to get you instant download thru my store.  It took me a while but I know how now.  The only problem is that it's going to take me some time to re-edit all the posts in my store and upload to payloadz.  So please be patient with me while I get them done.  If you see a BLUE - BUY NOW button then it's an instant download.  If you see a YELLOW - ADD TO CART  button then it's still thru paypal using the older method where I have to email the downloads.  I am so excited.  I just need to get it all done.  Whew!

Here are some pages I made and added to my scrapbook flair.
Made them for a creative challenge that's wasn't to have anything to do with scrapbooking.

Check out my brother's guitar he made from a cigar box and wood.

PayLoadz Store Draculas Lair

PayLoadz Store Draculas Lair

Crome Name Frames B - part 3 of 3 - freebie

I made the last of the Crome Name Frames that have the Letter B.  As soon as I find my notebook again with all the names, I'll make sure I got them all -----including ones that you all added lately.

Then I'll get to work on the C's .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dracula's Lair - qp3 - Freebie

I made another quick-page for you all.  This is actually the 4th one, I mistakenly put 3 on it.
Hope that you like it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dracula's Lair - Wordart 1 - Freebie

I made another wordart for you.  Hope you like it.  I was looking up famous quotes dealing with vampires and monsters and found this one and it made me laugh.  It's one of those Jack Handey ones from Deep Thoughts.  Not sure if you can use it on a page but I liked it and it was appropriate for what I was going for. 

It just made me smile and laugh which doesn't happen very often now days.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey Everyone - I finally finished my "Dracula's Lair" kit.

There are 12 papers, 100 elements and a full-size alpha that goes with the kit. 
I've got the alpha sold separately.

or check it all out

Here are the papers.  There are 12 papers in 12x12 sizes at 300 dpi.

I couldn't get all the elements in the preview so I just added a few to the original kit preview.  As far as the 100 elements I've split them up into 4 separate preview so you can see them better. 

That's a lot of elements!  Alot of the skeletons came from my brother.  I loved doing a kit with my brother.  He's got such a great imagination.  I think I may be getting him into it.

And here is the full-size alpha.  There are Upper, Lower, Numerical and Symbols.

Yeah, they are all dripping with blood.  But hey it's Dracula right?
Now here is some WordArt for you to go along with the kit.
 Hope you like it.

Download Here

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