Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Still not finished........................

Oh my gosh,

I still haven't finished my scrapbook pages for my wedding and today is the last day. I may have to just take more time and hope they offer me another special later. I've made several pages but haven't come close to getting all the wedding scrapped or to even filling up a book.

Here are some more layouts that I made
(you can tell I've been busy) :The 2 previous pages and these 2 after, I used Cheboom's quick pages. I just changed them up a little. Added more photos and changed colors and flipped them too.
I am trying to make them where opposite pages match.
Here is your freebie............another quickpage from my Seashore Wedding kit.

Download Here

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Seashore Wedding quick-page........

Hey everyone,

Please be patient with me. I'm trying to finish my wedding pages. Artscow gave me a code to get 12 free photo books from them but I have to use them by Dec 31st. So, I'm trying to finish my pages so I can order them. So, I'll get back to the ornments when I can. But don't worry. I'll give them all to you eventually but I really need to finish this. I want to make photo books for my family and us.

So, I Have a quick page I made using my Seashore WEdding kit. Hope you enjoy it.

Download Here

Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas..........

I just wanted to post something really quick and wish you all a
Very Merry Christmas.

I made some more word frames in Holiday Names. Enjoy.

Download Here.

I fixed the link 3-16-2010

See you all later.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Whooops..........mixed up the downloads..............for last freebie.

I am sorry everyone, I guess is was too tired or in a hurry to go to sleep that I mixed up this download with the other. So, I'm reposting and I'll fix the other link. My bad.

Thank you to Makeyesup for letting me know and thank you for liking my wedding pages.

Sorry about that.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"A" christmas ornaments layouts.

I put a new kit in the store. It's my Bathtime Babies Kit. I showed you some of the pages I made with it before but I added the rubber duckie that I made to the pages. Let me show you.

The rubber duckie wasn't there before........he looks cool doesn't he.
I actually used JoJo's rubber duckie that he carries around and plays with. I had to reinvent the beak though because he'd chewed it up some........LOL. Turned out cute though.

And remember all my kits are on sale for 1/2 off until January 2nd.

I've finally decide how I'm going to do the ornaments. It's may take a little while but it's quicker than I had planned on doing them. I've finished the A's. I've decided to give you 1 ornament with your names on it and the name will be cut out of the ornament. Then I am going to give you to patches a little smaller than the ornament that you can place behind the ornament. They will be in green and red. If you don't want the name to be a cutout then put the desired patch behind the ornament and that's what makes the name green/red. You can also fill the patch with a desired paper and then place it behind the ornament making the name the color of the paper.

The girl names are going to be placed on a red ornaments and all the boy names will be placed on the green ornaments. I will also give you the snowglobe ornament with the tag attached. The tag will be blank so you can put the name you want on it. I decided it would take too long to do that ornament too. But if you prefer for me to do it just let me know and I'll try to fit them in.

I also have more pages I made for my wedding.

I've also got more pages from my CT members Cheboom and Ginger.

And here is her freebie she's offering ............a nice list for all those good kids.
She used my Christmas Time Kit .


And here is her freebie she's offering ............a nice list for all those good kids.
Go here to get it on her blog. I just love this one. So cute.

Ginger made this layout and is offering a quickpage freebie for you on her blog.
She used my Jolly Ol' St Nick kit for this one.


Go to her blog here.

Here are Cheboom's pages she made with my Christmas Time kit.

Now for your freebie!

Download Here (link is now fixed - sorry)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I think I'm changing the ornaments.............

It's snowing!

Ok, don't hate me but I'm changing the Ornaments. I liked how I had the names but they take a bit to do but what I didn't like is they didn't show up as good as i wanted. So now i'm doing these. Its a thicker name.........using arial rounded...........and I'm doing one where the background shows thru the ornament too. Thought you might like it better and I changed the clear ornament too. The poinsettas kept getting in the way. So now they are at the bottom and I'm putting the name on the tag so it shows up better. let me know what you think.

I gotta go to sleep now. Have a Christmas party tonight and then I have to work at midnight too. So let me know and I'll get back with you tomorrow.

Later, ApriltheScrapaholic

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas name Ornaments.................1st set.

Hey everyone, I've decided to make a Very special Christmas present for all of you still following my blog. I know I've lost some people but I still have some of you. I'm gonna make some ornaments using the names that you all supplied to me before. But I'm gonna give them out a little at a time. It'll probably be about 5-6 names at a time. And I'll try to get them out everyday but don't hold me on that. I'm gonna start with the A's and end with the Z's. I now have all the names in one list in alphabetical orders so there will be no repeats this time. But I thought this might make a great Christmas gift for you. Let me know what you think. The names that I did this time are for me and Lori and my new Ct member Ginger. I'm hoping she'll like it.

Download Here

I made these using my Jolly Ol' St Nick kit and the font I'm using is called the Birkley Script.


storewidead.png picture by ejregnold

Just wanted to let you know that today is the last day of our store-wide sale at ScrapitSassy, but I am continuing my sale at 50% off until the 2nd of January.

ScrapitSassy Store Banner My Banner

Later, April

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New page from Ginger..............

I have another layout from Ginger. She used my WinterWonderland kit with my Christmas Snowflake snowglobes. It was her first extraction and I thing she did an awesome job. It's a great layout.


And here are the kits in the store. You'll be happy to know that I have extended my sale making it a
Holiday Sale till the 2nd of January. All products 50% off.

Just click on the previews to go to my store

Also, check out Gingers Wordart.........she has one almost everyday!


Go to Gingers blog and check out her wonderful wordart.



Reposting freebie................forgot to put link...........sorry.

I'm sorry, I was checking my 4shared account and realized that noone has downloaded the freebie and when I went to check it I also realized I never attached the link. Duh! Sorry, I was a little tired.

Also, I know that I mentioned before that they fixed 4shared's comments, well I was wrong then but I think it's right now. Whenever I'm downloading a file in 4shared, it actually lets me login and takes me back to the place where I was downloading from. And I don't have to login again. So, it's much easier. Don't really like having to login to download but at least it's not every single time you try to download. So it's a little easier.

Now to the freebie. I was organizing all my ABC stuff we got from Pam at Digitreats and realized that I had never given these to you. These are just the uppercase but thought you might still want them. Hope you like them. There are 2 sets one peach and the other brown.

Link Expired

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Freebie.............skip abc freebie

I got tired of designing yesterday and decided to make some pages. Thought I would share them with you.

Here is my Jojo and my Shaylee in their little coats. I actually bought the blue one for Shaylee but it fit JoJo better. He's a little smaller than her. It was really cold when we went to my moms for Thanksgiving. I used my Thanksgiving kit here.

This page is of Isabella with her grandma.
This was taken at Ashleights 5th birthday party. Cute. I used my Isabella Baby kit here which was made just for her.

This is when Jose proposed to me. Actually the day after. He proposed on Christmas Eve at his entire families house and I didn't get photos. But I think this one works well. I used my Christmas Time kit to make this one.

I'm kind of working on a fishing kit. Not sure what to call it yet. Thought about Dad's day out or maybe Fishing with Dad. He's a huge fisherman but my Jose is too or at least tries to be.

These are from a short 2 day vacation trip to Lake Whitney here in Texas.

Like the moth. It looks like it belongs there but I extracted it from one of my photos and put it there on the pavement. But to me it doesn't look extracted. Cool isn't it?

New page from my Ct member Ginger. She used my Chris' Cowboy kit to make this one. Great layout.

Now to the freebie. I was organizing all my ABC stuff we got from Pam at Digitreats and realized that I had never given these to you. These are just the uppercase but thought you might still want them. Hope you like them. There are 2 sets one peach and the other brown.

Link Expired
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