Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sale at ScrapitSassy

Hey everyone,

I'm having an Easter Sale where everything is 55% off all products that are $2 or more.

Just wanted to let you know.

I'll make a cool ad tomorrow.

Dainty Dandelions Elements by ApriltheScrapaholicDainty Dandelions Paper-Pack by ApriltheScrapaholic

Red Light, Green Light Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicRed Light, Green Light by ApriltheScrapaholic

Tooth Fairy - Fairy Dust Overlay by ApriltheScrapaholicTooth Fairy Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Tooth Fairy Green Alpha by ApriltheScrapaholicName Frames - School by ApriltheScrapaholic

Kiss Me Alphas by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me Wordart by ApriltheScrapaholic

Kiss Me by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me Elements Only by ApriltheScrapaholic

Kiss Me Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me More Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Easter Fun by ApriltheScrapholicEaster Egg Globes - Pastels by ApriltheScrapahholic

Easter Egg Globes - Bold by ApriltheScrapahholicEaster Fun Brag Book 1 by ApriltheScrapaholic


Friday, March 26, 2010

"Red Light, Green Light" layouts by ScrapitSassy CT Members

I just wanted to show you some pages made using my "Red Light, Green Light" kit.

They were made from CT Members at ScrapitSassy!

Red Light, Green Light by ApriltheScrapaholic

Great Pages.

quickpage from Ginger

Hey everyone,Sorry I haven't been on. Been somewhat busy with home. First I finally got my dear Jose's funeral taken care of. I've actually accomplished something at least. Plus the last few days I've been taken care of my puppies which has been overdue if you can believe it. Wednesday I took them to get them groomed and they are so cute! They cut them shorter this time. Not sure if I can keep them going like this but maybe I can afford $60 every 4 months or so. Here's a pic of my sweet Shaylee.

Love this picture.
And here's a pic of my JoJo.
Plus I have added a new addition to our family. I thought it might help us get through everything. I got another puppy just like Shaylee and JoJo. My friend had more puppies and they are probably going to be the last of them. The dad is either a 22 year old poodle (which is Shaylee and JoJo's dad) or one of the puppies from another litter. Either way, they are still Lhasa Apso/Poodle pups. But she's supposed to fix the females where she doesn't have any more puppies. However, that's what she said last time and they got her before she could do it. So, we'll see. My moms gonna kill me though. She's gonna think it's more than I can handle. And it may be. I thought JoJo and Shaylee would welcome him with open arms but they keep growling at him all the time. Maybe it's too soon for them to have someone new. They've gotten all protective all of the sudden. Guess we'll see.

Here's a picture of him. He's so cute. Reminds me of them both when they were small. I haven't named him yet. He's very curious and barks quite loud. My other two didn't bark till they were several months old. So he's very vocal and mischievous. Getting into everything. I was hoping his antics would help me name him.

Here's a pic of him in Jose's chair.
Too cute!

Anyway, here's a quick-page from Ginger using my "Red Light, Green Light" kit.

Image and  video hosting by TinyPic

Get it here on her blog

Be sure to go get the other two also!

If you want the kit get it in the store at ScrapitSassy!
"Red Light, Green Light"

Red Light, Green Light by ApriltheScrapaholic

Here are some new products added to the store too

Red Light, Green Light Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicTooth Fairy Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Tooth Fairy Green Alpha by ApriltheScrapaholicTooth Fairy - Fairy Dust Overlay by ApriltheScrapaholic

I added papers in separately even though they are offered with the full-size kits.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Years Eve Quick-page 3

Here is the other New Years Eve quick-page that I promised you.Download Here

Red LIght, Green LIght layouts and quickpage from Ginger

Here are some layouts that Ginger has made with my new kit.
Aren't these wonderful.
THe last one is being given out as a quick-page on her blog.

Get the quickpage above here that she gave out earlier

Below is the one she has as a quick-page.
I'm sure she'll offer the other ones later!

Friday, March 19, 2010

"New Years Eve" qp2 freebie!

I know it's been a long time since New Years but I'm still trying to scrap my Jo pics. Also, I had to do some layouts for ScrapitSassy and I decided to use my own kits and I chose this one. I joined the Secret Sassy Program and this week we are talking about layouts. I just hope she likes mine.

Don't forget my new kit in the store.
"Red Light, Green Light"

Red Light, Green Light by ApriltheScrapaholic

So I made quickpages out of my layouts.
Yours will look just like it of course without the photo, year and message.

(click on previews to see the kits in the store at ScrapitSassy)

New Years Eve Full Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

Here's my layout.

Download Here

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hey everyone,
Sorry I'm not so chatty. Not feeling too well this week which really sucks because I have my Cousin Thomas down here with me. He's spending his spring break with me and we can't do anything. We went to the movie and ate out twice so far and that's it. I just don't feel up to par not to mention it being you know what too (ladies you know what I'm talking about). I'm scared I'm coming down with what my brother had. I get the chills really bad and I have a little cough and I'm sneezing a little. It may just be the other but it feels like more. Like right now the thermometer says it's 70 in the house and I'm absolutely freezing. Got sweats on and a light jacket. I feel bad because I can't do anything with Thomas. He wants to visit all my friends but I feel too wasted to go.

Anyway, here is the next set of frames for the Letter A.

Download Here

Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Just wanted to say also that I fixed the link to the Holiday Name frames.
For some reason they weren't in my 4shared anymore.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New "Red Light, Green Light" kit plus a freebie.

I made a new kit for my store at ScrapitSassy!

It's called "Red Light, Green Light"
I drew everything in this kit so if the cars look a little funny that is why.........LOL.
I kind of wanted to make this a boy kit.
It has lots of cars, trucks and bicycles and 1 plane.

Check it out.

Here is the whole kit:

and Here are all the papers that are included.

and here is the quick-page that I'm giving out today.

Download QP Here

I'm still working on some frames so I'll be back in a bit.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Layouts from my CT Nita and ScrapitSassy CT team

::Kiss Me by April The Scrapoholic::
Kiss Me by ApriltheScrapaholic - Click Image to Close

Here are some Layouts by Bobbie aka Secret Garden::
from the ScrapitSassy Creative Team.

Isn't this lovely?
She has the quick-page for free on her blog
Get it Here!

I'll be back later.
I've added all then names you've supplied to my list.
I just got back from my moms a little while ago so I'll get them to you as soon as I finish some.

Added recently are:

Delta - Hayden - Elliot - Lorelia - Carley - Cassidy - Zander - Nadja - Marena - Dumonee - Shyanne and Joey
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