Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crome Name Frames - MURRAY


Crome Name Frames - KATELYN

Here's a new name for you.


I've added lots more names to my list too.  Whew!  And I've got some more coming for you today.

Monday, April 25, 2011

BB page freebie!

Click the preview below to go to 4shared and download this week's brag book page!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Have a great week!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Fun Kit in the Store and a quick-page freebie.

I just realized that I didn't have my Easter Fun kit in the store.   So I just put it in there.

Also, I'm not sure how much longer I will have my store up and running.  I'm gonna try to keep it for as long as I can afford it.  I really like making my kits and freebies for you all.  So I don't want to end it.  But we'll see.  Also, I'm maybe I might be able to take some good advise from a friend and get some time off a little later on.  I think I really need a vacation and to get out of the house for a bit.  Stress from work, the holidays and loosing my Jo has taken a toll on me.  I think my body just needs a good rest. 

So here's my Easter Fun kit.  An oldie but goodie.
for only $4.99

 and here is a freebie quickpage that I made for you with it.

I'll come back tomorrow with some names.

Also, Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Catching Fireflies BBpage Freebie

I used April's Catching Fireflies Kit to make today's BBpage freebie. You can find the kit in April's Blog Store. Click on the preview below to go to 4shared and download the freebie.


Have a great week!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Crome Name Frames - James

Hey everyone, long time no see or in this case no post.  Been having a hard time lately.  Missing my Jo quite a bit these days.  You would think I'd be better by now but it still feels like yesterday for me.  I thought I'd be better since spring is here but I'm still I guess you would say mopey.  Just not in the mood to do anything.  My creativity has just been down the drain.  So I am sorry for not posting and giving out names.  I do have several of them done though.  And I just have so soo many more to do.  So again - I will get them all out to you.  I've just been working so much and my schedule is all over the place that when I get home I'm just too tired most of the time.  I end up just playing games because I can't focus on much more than that.  Promise I'll get out of this slump.  Just gonna take some time I guess.

HUGE KUDOS to my favorite person in the whole world - GINGER for helping me out.  Just want you to know you are the best ever.  Thank you.

Also, I just got my taxes done yesterday and I don't owe.  Yeah.  Been dreading that.  Wasn't sure what would happen this year after my Jose passed away.  But I'm gettin some back and I should be able to pay for his memorial stone and get it places so my mind won't be worring about that all the time.  I've fealt really guilty for not already having it done.  Feel like I've been such a bad wife/widow.  I know that I shouldn't feel guilty about it because he wouldn't want me spending alot of money over it.  But I want it to be nice for him.  So we'll see how it goes. 

Anyway, here is the name JAMES for you all.  Promise to be better now.  Hopefully I can get a kit in the works.  Got several going just haven't been able to see them thru.  Take care everyone. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chili Pepers BB page freebie!

I've got another brag book page freebie for you today. I made it using April's Chili Peppers Kit.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

You can buy the full kit in April's Blog Store! Have a great week!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wood N Plaids BB page

This week I've got a brag book page I made for you using April's Wood N Plaids Kit.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The full kit is for sale in April's Blog store! Go check it out!
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