Monday, September 26, 2011

Crome Name Frames - LAUREN

Here are some more pages that I've made lately.

Made this page using my Monster Mash kit.

This was for a challenge but I'm thinking about making a kit out of it.  Maybe a games kit.  What do you all think?

Just for fun of my Shaylee Swimming!

And here's some more pages using my new Zoo Safari that I am still working on.  It's gonna be a huge kit too.

Now here is your freebie.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crome Name Frames - ANDREA

Here are some more pages that I've made using the new kit "Denim Blue".
I apologize if I repeat some of them.  I forget what I've posted before.  But they are all cool.

It's a huge kit and you can do lots with it.  Very easily recolored too.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Black Name Frames - MORE BLOG NAMES SET 5

Here are the last of the black name frames for all the rest of the requested names.
I still have to make them as "Crome Name Frames" but at least you will have these to suffice you.

Scroll down to get your freebie.

Here are some pages I've made lately.  I've nearly got my Denim Blue kit finished.

The next 3 was made with my Denim Blue kit.

Here's your freebies!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Crome Name Frames - COLTON

Crome Name Frames - KIMIKO

Hey everyone,
I have the name Kimiko for you today.  Sorry I've been away.  I've been busy making my new kit called "Denim Blue" which I should have out for you soon.  It's gonna be a huge kit.  But well worth it though.
Also,  my work schedule has changed too.  My boss has put me back working solid nights 12am-8am for which I am very grateful.  So when I get off now I am walking at the park while it's cool.  Gotta loose this weight and get in better shape.  Doing it for me and my beautiful puppies.  LOL  So I'm going on an 8 day stretch and I've been so tired.  Trying to finish the kit and I keep falling asleep at the computer.  Try to make pages and I fall asleep.  LOL  But I have made some pages even using the new kit.

Here are some pages using the new Upcoming kit.

Here's one made using my Chili Peppers kit.

And here's some just for fun!

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