Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hey everyone,
Here are the last of the black name frame requests.
I added the main names from the book/movie called the Hunger Games.  LOL
Just felt like it.  I wonder if Katniss will end up being a popular name :)

Here are some pages that I've made lately.  Can't seem to get into making a kit right now.
Wanted to do something for Easter but I'm running out of time and works been really busy.

These two were made using my Denim Blue kit plus some extra backgrounds from some photos. 
My Peanut is such a poser.  He's just tooo cute.

I love this page I made of Superman.
I have this flood plug-in that has just the coolest effects.
Images from the internet.

Here's Chris Hemsworth as Thor.  Cannot wait until the Avengers comes out.
Gotta have my Thor.  Cabin in the Woods comes out this month so maybe I can go see that one.
Images from the internet.  I like his longer hair.

Used my upcoming Zoo Safari kit to make this.  I will get this kit finished one day.  I keep making stuff to go in it.  Photos were taken by me and wordart by me too.

Used my Denim Blue kit to make this one of Peeta from the Hunger Games.
Wordart at bottom by Bethany of Elegant Wordart and photos from the internet.

Used my Zoo Safari kit to make this one.  Photos taken by me at the Dallas Zoo.  That's my brother and cousing Thomas walking in the rocks.  Can you believe Thomas (on the right) is only 14.  Growing up too fast.

Again used my upcoming Zoo Safari kit.
Photo from internet and Wordart by Bethany of Elegant Wordart.

These next two pages were also made using my upcoming Zoo Safari kit.
All wordart by Bethany of Elegant Wordart.
The photos are mine that I took at the Dallas Zoo.

I used my "Winter's First Snow" kit to make this page.
Photo is from the internet and Wordart by Bethany of Elegant Wordart.

Used my upcoming Zoo Safari to make this page.
Photos are from the internet and wordart by Bethany.
I just love the closup of the cute little baby Cheetah.  Adorable.

The crome name frames to these won't be available until around mid May though.  I've preposted all crome name frames up to May 6th and I have about 30 more to do.  Then the requests will be all done.  At least up until now.  So if  you haven't seen  your name just keep checking or resend to make sure.  I've been pretty good about keeping track but I'm not perfect.  Later.


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