Sunday, September 30, 2007


I took these photos of these clouds outside of our apt.
They looked marvelous. I just had to photgraph them.

And, you know in a mater of minutes, they changed.

If you don't catch them when you can you miss your chance.

My Wind-blown Puppies

I loved the wind that day. It was so brite and sun-shiny
but with the wind blowing everything seemed to be quite cool.
Which is awkward and doesn't happen very often.
One of my few shots where I can actually
see my beautiful Shaylee's eyes.
They were both so cute. The wind just wisped though their hair that day.

This is my little JoJo.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Scrappin' JoJo

I scrapbooked my little jojo in his life-jacket
...Actually it is scout's life-jacket.
Jojo's is just a little too big so we traded with scout this time.
I just loved these photos.

Both backgrounds were created by Bren Boone with her luscious solids kit.
All of the rest of the embellishments (paws, ribbons, borders, frames, quote, and stamp paper) were created by Calico designs aka Christine STone with her Felty Cat/Dog and HeartsandPawprints kits.

Monday, September 10, 2007

More Swimming Puppies

Swimmin' Puppies

Here are photos of Shaylee swimming by herself. They are closeups.
She looks so serious but believe me, she is having lots of fun.

And here are a few photos of JoJo sitting on the dock. Isn't he adorable.

We switched life-jackets with him and Scout. Thought the orange one would do better on JoJo but they were about the same. Scout looks way better in the orange but JoJo does too.

He's got his toung stuck out in the first photo if you look closely.

Here is another photo of Shaylee and JoJo with JoJo on the left this time. (the other photo is below) Somehow I messed up and misarranged the photos. Oh, well. They are all cute.

Here is a photo of Scout getting onto the ladder to get onto the dock. Isn't he just handsome in his orange life-jacket. Too cute!!!

Here are photos of Shaylee and JoJo in their life


This one is of Shaylee. Isn't she cute. She knows that when she puts on her life jacket that she is going in the water. The only other thing that she gets excited about is her favorite ball. Not too sure which one she likes best.

This photo is of my cute little JoJo. He is only now 9 months old. Still too skiddish for some things. The life-jacket was just a smidge too small for him but it worked just fine. He's not too sure of the water just yet. But he is swimming. He can't quite keep up with Shaylee though. He mostly stays with me or close to the dock. Isn't he adorable in his new life-jacket?

Here we have photos of Scout in his orange life-jacket and Shaylee in hers. They just kept swimming all over the place but not too far. They were so great out there. They even have a ladder which is like a ramp that goes up onto the dock so they can get out of the water if they wanted. Usually, they got there, took a little breath and then used it to jump back in the water. Both of them.

And here is another photo of Scout and Shaylee. Sorry, it looks alot like the other one, except Shaylee is coming towards us.

And this photo is of Shaylee on the left and JoJo on the right. See how he follows his Shaylee. Thats what I call her. His Shaylee. He loves her so much. You can't separate the two.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Winterwonderland Snowflakes

Here are preview of the Papers for MyWinterWonderland Kit. I have 9 papers which are Pastel and then I have 9 papers which I have called Stormy (which are not so pastel).

This is a preview of a kit that I am attempting to make. It's called MyWinterWonderland. I've already made papers in pastel and stormy (not so pastel) and I have some snowflakes to go with them. I have already finished the alphas for this kit but I am still in the process of making them individual letters. I think that works so much better for everyone. I have uppers, lowers, numbers and symbols already made. Would you like a preview of them too? I'll give you a taste of them too. Plus, I'm trying to make other goodies to go along with it like frames, borders and whatever else I come up with. So, today I am offering a sample of the kit. Please let me know if it is good or not. I'd like to learn how to do all these neat things and share with those that have shared with me.

Now, here is the good part.

Here are MyWinterWonderland Snowflakes. I have made them in 9 different colors. Tried to make them all wintery. I have lots of other snowflakes but this one is my favorite out of all of them.

So, Please Enjoy checking out my kit so far. Also, Please Let me know what you think so far, either good or bad.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Beautiful Photos of Cisco Lake

I took these photos at our cabin.
The water was like glass and reflections were perfect. You could turn the camera upside down and not tell which side was up or down. Everything was just beautiful that day.
Here are some more!!

I had to put this next one in just so you could tell how beautifull it was there. The boat give you somewhat of an idea of how great the water looked. Just gorgeous isn't it.

I have more photos that I will post in my next blog.

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