Friday, June 26, 2009

Positively Paisley qp2...............freebie

Sorry I didn't get back with you last night. Had to get some sleep before I went to work at 2am. By the time I finished your quick-page it was almost too late...........LOL. I spend way too much time on here. I get carried away.

Here is the layout I created. This is for you Lori!

You can get the kit in the store here.

Here is your quick-page.

Download Here

I probably won't post again till Sunday. I have to go to a party tomorrow night in between working and trying to get a little sleep. So I'll be quite busy and tired tomorrow.

So, see you again Sunday.

Take care.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Positively Paisley preview.....................

Hey Everyone,

I am in the process of putting my Positively Paisley kit in the store. Sorry I've been missing for a couple of days but it took me quite a while to make this preview and get the kit finished plus spend time with my husband.

I finally finished the preview and just had to accept that I couldn't get everything in there. There are at least 50 papers, 40 frames, 25 flowers, 15 paisley designs, 7 bows, ribbons and borders, tags, brads, paper edges, swirls, moms dressed in paisley/hippy clothing and I'm sure I've missed some.

Here is a preview:
I made it big so you can see everything.

You can get it Here at ScrapitSassy!

Hope that you like it and I'll be back later with something for you.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Positively Paisley QP1--------------freebie

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of making a paisley kit. It will be called Positively Paisley. It's still in the works but I have already made a quick-page for you. Now you can catch a little glimpse of the kit. I'm making this kit for my best friend Lori who loves paisley. I always kid her that she should have been born in the "hippy" days. She pretty much agrees with me. So this kit is for her. I hope you like it Lori.

I'm not sure how paisley it will actually look. Kind of going on my own here and drawing everything from scratch. I'll let you all be the judges.

Hopefully I'll have it finished soon. It's going to have lots and lots of papers. Whew!

And here is the quick-page for you. I added the tag with the flower to the quick-page after I made the preview-so you won't see it on there. But it is on the quick-page. Hope you like it.

Download Here

Oh yeah, I hope everyone had a wonderful father's day yesterday.

Later, april

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Layout by Ginger and Over the Hill Add-on freebie!

Ginger made a layout using my Over the Hill kit. Isn't it great. I just love it.

I have the over the hill add-on freebie for you too.

Download Here

Friday, June 19, 2009

Birthday Girl alpha and Add-on freebie.

I added the following alpha to the store today. It is my Birthday Girl alpha.
I think it turned out pretty cute.

You can find it here at ScrapitSassy.

And this is my add-on freebie for you today. This is an add-on to my Birthday boy kit. I has lots of frames and wordart. Hope you like it.

Download Here

Scrap it Sassy

Also don't forget that our June Collab kit is still in the store for only $2.oo and it's awesome.

SIS_JuneCollab_Prom_Preview.png picture by ejregnold

and not only that but all collabs are on sale for $2.o0
How great is that!

All Team Sassy Collabs on sale!!
teamsassyad-june.jpg picture by ejregnold

Plus ScrapitSassy is having a Designer Call
designercalljunecopy.png picture by ejregnold

So come check us out. Click on previews to go to store.

Scrap it Sassy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Over the Hill quick-page for you.

Ok, I'm back. I made a quick page using the Over the Hill kit.

I used a photo of myself but I cheated a little bit. I turned 40 this year in January. But I just realized we didn't take any photos of me on my birthday. I think I worked that day and we just went out and ate somewhere. So I used a photo taken a little later from a party of Jose's Aunt Pat. It was the closest one taken of me to my birthday other than those of Christmas and I didn't want to use one of the Christmas ones. Can't believe I didn't let Jose take a photo of me when I turned 40. Crazy!

It's kind of cool because behind me is a banner that says happy

Here is my layout.

And here is a preview of the quick-page for you - it's just like the layout.

Download Here

New kit called Over the Hill and layouts from Ginger.

Here is my new kit that I added to my store at ScrapitSassy. It's called Over the Hill. Hope you like it. I'll try to get back in a little bit with a freebie quick-page.

Now layouts.

My CT member Ginger made me 2 layouts using my birthday kits.

In this one she used my Birthday Girl kit.
I just love it.

Ginger used my Birthday kit to make this layout. Isn't it great!

Be back in a little bit.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Birthday Girl Kit and freebie qp.

I finished my Birthday girl kit and here it is. You can get it in the store here.

I haven't made the alpha yet. I'll get to that in a little bit. I am working on an Over the Hill I know. Who wants to have and over the hill page made of them? Well, you do have to scrap those years to remember them. Don't worry. I'll be scrapping my own too. After all I turned 4o this year. Yikes! But I'm trying to make it good. I'm adding the grave candles that have the years old on them. LOL!

Here is your new quick-page using my Birthday Girl kit. I have it in 8x8 size. I may do all of them in this size from now on to save space in my 4shared account. Otherwise, I'll have to remove some more freebies and I don't want to do that just yet. When I do them in 12x12 they end up being as large as 40-50mb. But you can easily resize the 8x8 to 12x12.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Birthday Boy kit and a quick page freebie.

My computer has been turned off for a couple of days. We expected thunderstorms the other night but they didn't get here till yesterday evening. I swear the rain was going completely horizontal with my fense. I thought our pecan tree was going to fall down but everything seems fine. It still looks like it's going to rain.

I added a new kit to the store called Birthday Boy. There is lots of stuff in this kit. There are 13 papers, balloons, bows, party favors, candles, numeral candles, a birthday cake, roses, cupcakes, icecream and much more.

I am also in the process of making a birthday girl kit except the colors will be all pinks, purples, aquas and yellows. You will like it too. You can find it in the store here at ScrapitSassy.

I also added an alpha that is an add-on to the kit. You can find it at Scrapitsassy here.

Here is your freebie..........a quick page from my new kit.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I've got some photo tags for you!

Hi everyone,

I made some photo tags for a friend of mine. Her daughter is in a beauty pageant and she wanted some tags with her daughters name on them. So I came up with these. Then I decided to make them where I can give them to you.

I used my Blushing Buttercups and Dainty Dandelions kits to make these. Plus some from a bluebonnet and indian paintbrush kit I'm in the process of making. I think they turned out pretty cute.

Now I gotta go to bed now after I print all her tags out. So I'll be back tomorrow.

Good Night

Download Here

Saturday, June 6, 2009

ScrapitSassy Ct Member - layouts using my Bathtime Babies kit.

Hi everyone,

I'm back from my moms. I actually got back late Thursday night but I've been working since then. Trying to get caught up on everything. That trip just wears me out. I'm just not a long distance car driver anymore. Since working nights 2am-10am now, I have trouble driving during the day when I'm usually sleeping. As it was, I stayed up for 24 hours when I got there so I could sleep that night. Slept a regular night the next night only to drive back home the next day to go back to work that night with only 4 hrs of sleep. So I'm catching up a little. I should be sleeping now. I've got a headache right now probably from no sleep. But I wanted to come check in with you all.

A Ct Member - Jacquii x - made these 2 layouts using my Bathtime Babies kit.

Hope you enjoyed them. I'll be back probably tomorrow with something for you.\

Take care.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Layout by Ginger.

Aw, isn't this the cutest layout. I love it Ginger.
I just had to come back and share it with everyone.

So sweet!

Collab kit at ScrapitSassy.........and new kits by me

Hey Everyone,

I'm going to my moms for a couple of days. Will be back on Thursday.

It was Thomas' birthday on the 21st and I have to get his birthday presents to him. I got him games for his Xbox 360. He's so excited. Plus I want to take Shaylee and JoJo for their first swims of this year. They just love swimming at the lake cabin at my moms. And yes, they will have their lifejackets. They just don't know when to get out of the water. They are so spoiled.

We have a new collab in the store at scrapitsassy. It looks great. I may have to buy it myself. Check out the great preview below.

Scrap it Sassy
Designers at ScrapitSassy
created this fabulous collab kit
Team Sassy - June Collab
"Prom"- On Sale for $5.00!!
Click on Link or Preview
SIS_JuneCollab_Prom_Preview.png picture by ejregnold
Kit made by designers from ScrapitSassy

The preview below is my portion that was added to the kit.
As you can see there is a lot of great stuff in their created by all the designers.

Click banner or previews below for kits

by ApriltheScrapaholic
StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

Shaylee's Puppy Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicBaby Boy by ApriltheScrapaholic

Baby Girl by ApriltheScrapaholicDainty Dandelions by ApriltheScrapaholic

Heavenly Hybiscus by ApriltheScrapaholicBlushing Buttercups by ApriltheScrapaholic

So I'll see you all when I get back. Take care everyone.


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