Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Years Eve Quick-page from Ginger.

I have something for you.

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I think I'm behind a little. Ginger posted this great quickpage using my "New Years Eve" kit.
She's offering it for free on her blog so don't forget to go pick it up.

Kiss Me - Quick Pages 3 and 4.

I just wanted everyone to know that I am now only selling at ScrapitSassy.
I decided that it was just too much for me to try to keep up with both stores. Way too overwhelming. So, I'm just exclusive at ScrapitSassy.

PLUS there is only one day left of February so don't forget all the sales for our 2nd year anniversary at ScrapitSassy. All my products 40% off.

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Here are 2 more quick-pages from my Kiss Me kit.
They are much more elegant than the last too showing how versatile my kit can be. Hope you enjoy them. Here are my layouts.

These photos were taken by my Best Friend Lori's Granddaughter Ashleigh. As you can see we are looking down. I think I got the year wrong though. Because Ashleigh is only 5 now and she couldn't have taken them as a baby. But she was very young and little. LOL. Oh well, I'll have to get with Lori on that but I thank our little Ashleigh so much for the wonderful photos.

I think these photos were taken in Corpus while we were on vacation. We went to the oyster bar and watched a band play music outside. It was really fun. I'm gonna miss my Jose. Don't know what I'm gonna do without him. He definitely made my own boring life interesting.

and Here are your pages!

Download Page 3 Here
Download Page 4 Here

Friday, February 26, 2010

Quick-pages for my "Kiss Me" kit plus more new product in store!

I have made 2 quick pages for you today.

First I'm gonna show you my pages that I made. These are actually photos from my birthday in 2005 of January - 5 years ago. But I thought the photos went well with the kit.

Also I added these wordart to the store too! Check it out!
And remember everything is still 40% off!

Kiss Me Wordart by ApriltheScrapaholic

Here's the kit and pieces sold separately again.

Kiss Me Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me More Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Kiss Me Elements Only by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me by ApriltheScrapaholic

And now here are your quick-pages.

Download Here for qp1

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New kit at ScrapitSassy called "Kiss Me".

Don't forget our 2 year Anniversary Sale at ScrapitSassy!
All my products $2 and over are all 40% off through the month of February!

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I know I'm behind. I'm trying to catch up. I got out New Years Late and now Valentines too. Took me a while to make this kit. I'm planning on making a lot of pages of my beloved Jose with them. Got 2 in the making already. I am sure missing him still. This kit didn't help. All good and wonderful memories though. I just still can't believe he's not here to share all this with me now. Awfully lonely without him. But I'm getting by little by little.

Here's a preview of the new kit.

"Kiss Me"
Kiss Me by ApriltheScrapaholic

I'm also offering the elements and papers separately for those who only want one or the other.

Kiss Me Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicKiss Me Elements Only by ApriltheScrapaholic

I also added another set of papers that were NOT included with the full kit.

Kiss Me More Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

I am also in the process of making some really cool word-art to go with the kit. Only 5 of them are included with the kit.

Hope you like it.

Be Back in a bit with some quick-pages.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quick-Page freebie from my "New Years Eve" kit.

Sorry, I finally go this uploaded to 4shared. Meant to give it to you last night and I got tired and fell asleep.

Here's the preview for it:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I added alphas too..............

I added these alphas to the store too.

Check it out...........I wrote my name using one of them. Pretty cool.

I'll be back in a little bit to give you a quick-page I made with the kit.

New Kit "New Years Eve"

I finally finished my "New Years Eve" kit that I had started before everything happened to me. I think it turned out really pretty.

Here's a better view of the papers.
And don't forget about my sale.
40% off all my products at ScrapitSassy!

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Name Frames - Wedding by ApriltheScrapaholicSweet Summer Days by ApriltheScrapaholic

Celebration Collab Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicMardi Gras by ApriltheScrapaholic

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sweet Summer Days qp from Ginger

Ginger made this cute quick page using my "Sweet Summer Days" mini kit.
Isn't it adorable. It's been snowing here so it's gonna be a while before we see days like this.

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Get the quick-page on her blog here

Don't forget our sales for our Anniversary at ScrapitSassy!

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

2 Quick-Pages by Ginger using my Mardi Gras kit.

Hey guys, I'm doing better now. It's still touch-n-go. I still cry alot but I'm coping. Hoping that I make it through this. Don't laugh but I keep locking myself out of my house. My friends put me in a new front door and I can't seem to adjust to the lock. They replaced the door because I couldn't lock it from the outside. Jose always locked it for me when I left the house and I did it for him. So now that he's gone there was not way for me to lock it. There was something wrong with the hinges or something like that. So between my best friends daughter, Amanda and honey Jimmy and my dad and 2 brothers they put in the door. The dead bolt is fine. It's the other one. The knob still turns when the door is locked and it locks backwards from the old door. And with my state of mind right now I have locked myself out of the house 3 times now. Two of those time I was only wearing socks, short-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. And it's been freezing weather here. I am so surprised that I am not sick. Everyone else is. Yesterday I waited outside my door for my best friend Lori to go get her daughter's key (thank Goodness she had one) to let me in the house. I cried the whole time. Just too much. All because someone knocked on my door and I stepped outside. I don't know if my poor Jose would be crying or laughing at/with me. But since I'm not sick maybe he is watching over me.

Don't forget our sales for our Anniversary at ScrapitSassy!
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Anyway, Ginger made 2 great quick-pages using my "Mardi Gras" kit.

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Go Here to buy my Mardi Gras kit!
It's 40% off

Get this one on her blog HERE

And get this one HERE!

Hope you like Ginger's pages and don't forget to send her some love if you download.
Take care everyone

Monday, February 1, 2010

40% off all Products by ApriltheScrapaholic

I'm having a sale all through February. All products are 40% off.

Here is my contribution to the Celebration Mini kits for ScrapitSassy's 2nd Anniversary.

Here is a mini-kit that I put in the store. All elements were hand-drawn by myself.

Look who's turning 2 -----------ScrapitSassy!

Check it out!
ScrapitSassy is celebrating it's
2nd year Anniversary!

We are celebrating our 2 year anniversary!!
check out our Celebration mini kits!!
Contributing Designers:
SIS Designs
Nik's Scripts & Scraps
Secret Garden Creations
Stargazy Creations
Made by Justine
Graphics by Pokadot
Shades of Gina
Simply Stated Designs

You can see all portions
Featured SIS Store Owner/Designer

February Cu Collab
On sale now for $5.00!!
Team Sassy February CU Collab - Click Image to Close
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