Sunday, November 30, 2008

JoJo elements freebie...............and sale at ScrapitSassy!

I'm posting this quick because I need to get some sleep. Sorry I didn't get it out yesterday. Been busy adding some stuff to the store and I'm having a big sale at ScrapitSassy tomorrow. All my kits are 50% off until the 16th of December. So come check them out. Just click the banner to get there and see my new stuff. Here are some of them.

My Banner

Here are the rest of the elements to JoJo's kit.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oh my........

Hey everyone,

Well, I may have done it. I just bought a computer that I'm gonna be putting together myself. Whew! I'm a little nervous because I've never actually done that before and I just hope I can do it and do it right. It cost me about $352 for the whole thing. I'll have to install some of the stuff from my now/old computer. But that's not going to be a problem. I put stuff on it all the time. I've actually changed out all my drives at least 3 time probably (hard drives, disk drives, plus sound cards, usb ports and other stuff). But I've never messed with a motherboard before and that scares me a little. But I'll have a much beefier computer. My computer is probably around 10yrs old. I bought it from Lori's son who built it himself. I've had it at least 7 yrs and there is now telling how long he had it. It's been a great computer and I kind of hate to see it go. But I can't update it anymore. The processor is about a 1.1 Ghz with a 1 gig of ram. I'm lucky I can actually do anything with it. The new one is a 2.66 Ghz with 3 gigs of ram that can upgrade to 8gig. I just got to put it together. I won't get it until about a week so wish me luck then. It's going to be my Christmas present. Jose wanted me to pick it out because he didn't want to get the wrong thing and he knew I needed it. Isn't he sweeet. He was going to get me an entire computer but I told him all I needed was the tower. I have all the rest. He got me a great monitor last year - a samsung 20" flat widescreen that is just awesome.

I've been told I'm going to be the featured designer at ScrapitSassy next month from the 1st to the 15th. Too cool. I didn't think she'd put me on for a while. So be looking for me.

Anyway, I'll be back later with another freebie for JoJo's kit. Gotta get it together first.



Friday, November 28, 2008

Freebie and 35% sale at Scrapitsassy till the 30th.

Don't forget my 35% off banner

StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I meant to tell you yesterday but I never got on my computer. So, better late than never.

WE had our Thanksgiving the night before and then we went to Lori's on Thanksgiving day to spend it with her and the kids. WE had a very nice Thanksgiving and enjoyed sharing it with wonderful friends. Lori's grandkids are so cute. They are growing up too fast.

Here's the beautiful princess Ashleigh.

Precious Conner, He got in trouble for sticking his hand into the choc meringue pie, so here he's waiting to be served the pie. After he got in trouble he kept going past the pie just staring at it. It was just too cute. So now he's finally getting some.

Isabella's beautiful smile!
I love this photo of Isabella looking at her mom, Amanda. Doesn't that look just say, "I love you Mommy". If that's not an I love you mom look, well then I don't know what I love you is. haha.

Don't forget my sale of 35% off at ScrapitSassy on all of my kits!
you can go there by clicking on my banner.....

StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

I have another portion of my JoJo Puppy kit. I made the dog tags for his kit. There's a few more in here than what I had in Shaylee's. I may have to do an add-on for Shaylee because I love the zebra-sortof stripes on the name tags. I think they would be great in the Shaylee colors too.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

35% off Sale on my kits at ScrapitSassy and freebie!

All of my kits at Scrapitsassy are on sale for 35% off until the 30th of this month. I decided to have a Thanksgiving Sale. So you should check it out.

StoreWideBanner_469x60.jpg picture by ejregnold

Just added Xmas Kits

Christmas Snowglobes with Snowflakes by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Candy Cane Alpha by ApriltheScrapaholic

Christmas Time Candy Cane Frames by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Candy Cane Pins by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Candy Cane Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Message Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Christmas Time Fancy Candy by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Lights by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Santa Hats by ApriltheScrapaholicChristmas Time Stockings by ApriltheScrapaholic

Thanksgiving and
Halloween kits!

Halloween - Creepy Crawlie Orange Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicHalloween - Creepy Crawlie Elements by ApriltheScrapaholicHalloween - Creepy Crawlie Frames by ApriltheScrapaholicHalloween Grab Bag #1 by ApriltheScrapaholic

Halloween - Creepy Crawlie Purple Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicHalloween - Creepy Crawlie Green Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - Elements by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - PaperPack by ApriltheScrapaholic

Happy Thanksgiving Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - Girl Pilgrims by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - Boy Pilgrims by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - Men Pilgrims by ApriltheScrapaholic

Happy Thanksgiving Kit - Women Pilgrims by ApriltheScrapaholicHappy Thanksgiving Kit - Scarecrows by ApriltheScrapaholicTeam Sassy - CUSeptCollabPapers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Team Sassy - CUSeptCollabLeaves by ApriltheScrapaholicTeam Sassy - CUSeptCollabFlowers by ApriltheScrapaholic

I have a few CT member pages to show you by Ginger. She made some pages using my Seashore Wedding kit (this kit was $5.99 and is now $3.89 at the store). She's doing a wonderful job at making these pages. They are so beautiful.

Also, she is giving away those bragbook pages using my Thanksgiving kit.

You can get them on her blog HERE.

I am still making this little kit for JoJo. But I have his pawprints ready for you.
I like the muddy pawprints at the end.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Quick Post...................and another Shaylee Freebie!

I just wanted to post a quickie:

I wanted to tell makeeysup that yes - JoJo is going to get a kit too. And I may not wait till his Birthday and Jan. I'm thinking about making it in browns and greens.......kind of a muddy paw thing.............What do you guys think? Just a muddier version of Shaylee's ........hehe

Also, I'm gonna give you the pawprints I used on the side of my shaylee layout. I made them in blue, pink and purple.

Last installment download of Shaylee FREEBIE!

First of all I want to say, YEAH!!! I think they fixed 4shared so you all can leave comments again. At least i hope so. I've downloaded stuff twice already and i didn't have to login at all. yeah. Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but I hope it's worked out. Noone's been leaving comments to us and we don't know what you think if you can't comment to us. And i completely understood the hastle (hassel, hassle - my speller or my hands aren't working right now - lol) it took to leave a comment. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Now, I'd like to share some layout from my new CT members - Ginger and Cheboom.

Ginger posted a great freebie for you on her blog using my Happy Thanksgiving kit. She made a candy wrapper with it. It is just too cute. I love it.

She also made a cute pages using my scarecrows from my Happy Thanksgiving kit too. They made scarecrow cookies! How great is that.

Also, Cheboom made pages using my Happy Thanksgiving kit also. They are really quite lovely.

So if you like my Thanksgiving kit you can buy it at ScrapitSassy Here!

Also, I'm letting them give you all quick-pages. I figure it will give my kits lots of recognition.

Now for the last installment of Shaylee's Puppy kit.

These will be the frames and ribbons to the kit.

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Hope you enjoy everything. Have a great day.

And Ginger I hope you enjoy Twilight tonight!
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