Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photo Hunt: Theme ------------Upside Down

This is for the Photohunt of Sept 19th ---------sorry I'm a little late.

PhotoHunt 179: Upside Down


I took these photos a while back of my nephew Thomas. HE loves it when I take his photos on the trampoline. And when I saw upside-down I knew these were it. I got two great shots of him upside down. He thought these were really cool!

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. Been busy at work plus I had to work more days than I usually do because I asked off for later days in the week to go see my Thomas play football. I'm so excited. He is only 12 yrs old now and is 5'6" tall and in the 6th grade. He told me he's the second larged kid in class. So they wanted him to play football for the JV and he is playing now. I get to drive 3hrs away to go see him play a home game. So I won't be back for a couple of days. Planning on taking a lot of photos. My mom says that he's loving it. I'm so glad to see him doing something other than playing video games. This coming from someone who spends most of her time on the computer. lol.

Later guys. I'll try to get some stuff for you when I get back and off work on Sat morn.

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