Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blushing Buttercups kit and freebie Quick-Page plus more pages (not from wedding)

Hi everyone,

I'm putting a new kit in the store at ScrapitSassy. It's called Blushing Buttercups. I think i'm gonna make a kit using all of the wildflower photos that i've taken. I think this one turned out really pretty. Here is a preview:

There are 7 wildflower buttercups, one leaf, 4 flower brads, 4 flower buttons, 5 square frames, 4 ribbon borders, 4 flower-shaped frames and 10 papers (4 photo papers, 4 solid papers and 2 buttercup print papers).

Here is a page from our Corpus Christie trip last year. We're going again in a couple of weeks. Hopefully everything will go well. I lost a lot of the photos I took last time but thanks to my blog, webshots and my myspace I saved some of them. I'm gonna make a kit from our corpus photos but I may wait till after our vacation so I can get more. Maybe I won't loose them this time.

As you can see from the page below, I've already started it because you can see the seagull and pelican that I used. I had better ones though.

And here is a page that I made using stuff from my Jolly Ol' St Nick kit. It's a new background though. May use it in a new xmas kit this year.

I just love how my Shaylee and JoJo are smiling here. Both funny wordart and smile wordart are by Bethany of Elegant Wordart 2. Now I gotta go put the new kit in the store. Later

Here is the quick-page. I think it came out really pretty.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seashore Wedding Add-on Freebie.............

Here is a page that my CT member Ginger made using my Leather kit.

Since I finished all of my wedding pages........I have extra stuff that I made that I used in my pages that go with my Seashore Wedding kit. So I decided to give these away as freebies for you!

But first I'm gonna show you more layouts.Wordart is by Bethany.

Wordart is by Bethany of Elegant Wordart 2.

Here is the add-on

Download Here

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I've been tagged and more wedding pages

I got tagged by Ginger on her blog. Took me a little bit but I'm tagging back.

Here are more pages from the wedding using my Seashore Wedding kit

8 things I am looking forward to:

1. Going to Corpus in a few weeks for a week vacation.
2. Getting my wedding books in that I bought
3. Seeing Smallville on Thursday..... always that show
4. Making another kit or should I say just being creative.
5. Listening to music and books on my MP3 player.
6. Getting well from this what-ever I have and being able to breath again.
7. Working on new pages that don't have anything to do with my wedding - I officially believe I'm getting sick of my own wedding photos....NOT....but I'm weary of scrapping them now.
8. Coming home from work - always. (I'd use waking up in the morning too but i really love coming home.

8 things I did yesterday:

1. Went to work and came home
2. Checked email
3. Played with my Jojo and Shaylee
4. Finished my wedding scrapbook pages - all 91 of them
5. Ordered 2 wedding books with the pages - got one left to order.
6. Advertised my kits in store
7. Called my friend Brenda
8. Went with Jose to KFC to get supper.

8 things I wish I could do:

1. Quit my regular Job and be full-time designer and stay at home wife to husband and mommy to puppies
2. Go to the Beach - a real one - like Miami with Ginger - LOL
3. Hire a housekeeper - LOL - ok I'm being funny today - how about wiggle my nose and make everything all spic and span.
4. Win the Lottery is a good one - but i need to play first
5. Travel all over with my hubby and puppies.
6. Have all the time in the world to play with my puppies.
7. I wish I had also all the time I need to make all the scrap-pages that I want to make and not just let my photos sit on my computer. (Maybe I can make this one happen at least)
8. Prevent all sickness and suffering around the world.

8 shows I watch:

1. Smallville
2. Supernatural
3. CSI: NY
4. CSI: Las Vegas
5. Bones
6. Heroes
7. Two and a half Men
8. Burn Notice

Now I need to tag 8 people so here goes:

1. Lori of Nana's Nick Nacks
2. Pam at Digitreats
3. Bethany
4. Calico Designs
5. Kimmie's Kreations
6. CancerMoon Creations
7. Erin at SiS Designs
8. Stephanie of RS Designs

Saturday, April 25, 2009

More Pages from my Wedding using my Seashore Wedding kit

I have finally finished all of my wedding pages. You are not going to believe this. I have made exactly because I just now counted, 91 wedding scrapbook pages. Oh my god. I almost made it to 100. I've made 2 albums 12x12 with them and I have 1 more to go. They have about 30 pages in each. I didn't realize I had so many.

So please forgive me for not posting the last few days. I only had 2 days to order the books. Got till the 5th of May to order the 3rd one. I'll probably loose all my 7 - 8x8 books too. I've filled everything up.

Plus I've been a little sickly the last couple of days. Got the crud everyone has. Still trying to get rid of it. Well enjoy some of the pages. I'll share the books with you tomorrow.

Wordart by Bethany of Elegent Wordart 2.
Here is the quick-page that I made for you.Download Here

Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Wedding Pages

I'm not sure if I shared these with you or not. Going thru all the pages I've made. I have a lot.

And I'm using the same kit. Keep coming up with add-ons. I'll probably have a freebie for you today with more add-ons for the kit. So, check me out a little later.

Be Back

Ginger's quick-pages using my Great Grandmothers Florals Kit

Wanted to share this with you.
Ginger made a grate quick page using my Great Grandma's Floral Kit.
Here's a preview of my kit...

And here's a preview of the QP that she made...
So pretty!

Go to her blog and get it HERE

and don't forget to pick up her great word-art too.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Seashore Wedding QP3 Freebie.............

HI everyone,
I don't know if any of you have seen Will Smith's movie 7 Pounds but you should. But I have to warn you that you are gonna cry. I cried for (I'm guessing - didn't actually time myself) about 30 min. Now, 2 hours later my head still hurts from crying. Promise I won't tell you anything about it but it's good. I'm just prepared to cry. He's developed into such a great actor.

NOw that I got that off of my chest/heart.........I have a quick page from my Seashore Wedding kit. Yes, I'm still making pages. I have 4 12x12 books to order from Artscow and I want them filled and ready to order by the 26th. Yes, I've given myself and ultimatum. I know I haven't been sharing them with you lately. I thought maybe you were tired of them. So, since it's been awhile, I'll tire you out again.....LOL.

Here are some recent pages that I made:
I love this page with me and my little Shaylee!

Below is the page that I made the quick-page from.
I just changed the top take to pink instead of keeping it blue.

This is what the quick-page will look like.

Download Here

YouTube Parody

I hope this works. Ginger you are gonna love this. Check it out.

Found this at Bethany's Elequent Wordart 2 - and she's right. These girls are talented and really quite funny. This is great.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April CU Collab Grab Bag at ScrapitSassy plus CT quick-pages

~April CU Collab~

Revealed ~ On Sale for $5.00

sis-aprilcucollab-reveal-preview.jpg picture by ejregnold

Team Sassy Creative Team - Grungy Spring QP Album

These quick pages where made by our Creative Team, using our Grungy Spring Collab on Sale for $2.00!!

ts_gs_qp_previewsm.jpg picture by ejregnold

ScrapitSassy's Spring Cleaning Sale still here.

Just want to mention that we are still having our spring cleaning sale until the end of April!

scs-ad1copy.jpg picture by ejregnold

Kits that I am retiring are $1 and $2 and I also have separate element-packs/paper-packs for only $1. So Come check it out if you haven't already.

After April the kits will be retired from the store. So I may put them in my store on my blog here so you can get them later if you want to. But you should go there now. Huge sale. And not just me. Everyone has their own spring cleaning too. So it's a great time to check it out before April is gone.

So gotta go now. Later.

Butterflies add-on.......................freebie

Finally, a day off. This weeks been a little rough. A lot of people at work are sick and I think I came down with a little of it. I have this cough and yuck that I would just gladly get rid of but it doesn't seem to want to go away yet. Taking nyquil and hoping it will do the trick. Trying to nip it in the bud so to say.

I made another freebie for you using Pam's kits. It's the 3rd butterflies installment in the smirk version. Gotta figure out what I want to do next though.

Here is the preview:

Link Expired

Friday, April 17, 2009

Another Butterlfies Add-on for Digitreats using Shout colors.......

Hey guys,
Its really storming here so I will only be on for a little bit before I unplug my computer for the night. Don't want to ruin my new computer while I'm asleep.
I added my leather kit to my store yesterday. Separated some of the papers from the kit. So Metallic papers are separate from the plain leather papers with the rest of the kit.

I added 2 more alphas and some buttons. But it's the same as before.

I will probably add it into my own store as a whole.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Store Blog

Hey all,

We are having a spring cleaning sale at ScrapitSassy and after the sale we are getting rid of all the kits in the sale. So, I figured out how to make me a store on my blog with my kits too.........yeah. So, I will be offering those kits on my store blog plus new kits too.

blog store blinkie2

Above is the blinkie that I am using to go to that store, so you can copy and paste it on your blogs if you would like. So come check it out.

Now when you order the kits, it sends me an email and as soon as I get your order, I will send you all the links to the kits you ordered. Just give me some time to send them to you. I would love to be able to give them to you automatically but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Still working on it.

So I hope you like this option. I just want to keep all my kits available to you.



Add-on for Digitreats Giggle kits -------------Butterflies freebie

I know I have haven't posted one of these in a while but I'm trying. I came up with these butterflies for Pam's Giggle kit at Digitreats. I've been wanting to make add-on's for these kit but haven't been sure what I've wanted to make for them yet. So, I decided to just do elements and papers like I did with the last kits. This installment of the butterflies is an add-on for the Giggle kit. I will make them for the Shout and Smirk ones too.
I do hope you like them. I think they are pretty cute. Thought butterflies would be good for spring.

Expired Link

Let me know what you think. I made them using the color schemes that Pam provided.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quick Page Freebies - New Links to Some

I moves some of the links to my quickpages in 4shared. I placed all my quick pages in one folder. So some of the links may have changed but not all of them. So if you missed any of them here is your chance to get them again.
Here are all my quick-pages I've made for you. Not as many as I thought there were.
Freebie Quick Pages links

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