Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Sale on my kits at ScrapitSassy....all 50% off on everything!

50% off all kits

Come t
ScrapitSassy and see all of my
(ApriltheScrapaholic) Kits for 50% off
for the Labor Day Weekend Sale.

Baby Isabella's Elements by ApriltheScrapaholic
Baby Isabella's Huge Paperpack by ApriltheScrapaholic
Chris' Rustic Cowboy Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicChris' Rustic Cowboy Photo Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic
Fluttering Dragonflies_Papers by ApriltheScrapaholicFluttering Dragonflies Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic
Lovely Ladybug Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicLovely Ladybugs by ApriltheScrapaholic
Patriotic Red White & Blue Mini Kit by ApriltheScrapaholicPatriotic Red White & Blue Quick Pages by ApriltheScrapaholicPatriotic Plaids-N-Solids Papers by ApriltheScrapaholic

Saturday, August 30, 2008

PhotoHunt: Theme........Beautiful

Took this photo and the ones below in my home town, Cisco Tx this last spring. These flowers were on the side of the road. They are some kind of wildflower but I don't know what kind. I just thought they were really beautiful. Most of these plants were taller than me which isn't saying much. I'm a whole whopping 5ft.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Quick Pages at ScrapitSassy 25% off..........and a freebie!

Hi Everyone,

I am so excited. I finally figured out how to put my previews on my ads. YEAH! You just don't understand. I do everything about the computer. Taught all my friends how to use a computer. I'm not used to NOT knowing how to do something and it drives me absolutely crazy till I figure it out. I'm guessing I've been tired from working my 40hr week and not concentrating right. I do work overnight from 12-8am. I like my shift at work. But I get tired when I get off and I try to do these things and I don't think straight. But I'm crazy.

So I've been trying to figure out how to get my previews into my yahoo groups postings. I've just been sending links to the store and just words on the page. My admin said to copy and paste. Well, I did and did and did and did.

But guess what? Don't laugh. OK>...............laugh all you want. I wasn't actually highlighting the preview and then I was just clicking copy image instead of ..........and this is the main thing...........just copy . Then it worked just perfectly. So for any of you that are having trouble too. This solves the problem. I know how to copy paste. Taught everyone from my mom to my bestfriends. I was just choosing the wrong one. Now I got it. Whew............I feel so much better.

I just wanted to post our add on my blog. I'll work on some more names. I'm doing some more family names too. I'm going to post those too. I'm putting them all in 2 downloads and some may and are repeated. Just putting them all in one box so to say.

So here is our add at ScrapitSassy!

ALL Quick Page Albums 25%off

Min. order $5.00

Coupon code is: qpalbumsale25

So far, I've only got my Fluttering Dragonfly and Lovely Ladybugs QP's in here.

(you notice I changed the ladybug kit name)

Now for the next Family Name Frames freebie!

Link has expired to make room for more freebies

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blog names set 12....................freebie....again.

That was weird. Yesterday I downloaded the file and it was there. I saw it. It even gave me the links to post in here on my blog. When I got some of your comments on the link not right I checked it out and it was missing from 4shared all together. Strange. It was there. So now I've put it back on. And as far as I can tell it works now. Let me know if you have anymore problems.

Blog Names 12

Sorry about that.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blog names set 12....................freebie....

Hi everyone,

I am going to get to the name frames in must a minute.

First, I wanted to say a few thing to some of my readers.

These names were requested and they are already made and here is where you can find them.

Daniel - Blog names #4 & #6
Ryan - Blog names #4
Timothy - Blog names #11
Tristan - Blog names #1
Stephen - Blog names #4

You can find them in my labels on my right hand side bar under word names. All the freebie word frames are there.

Tiffany - you are very welcome for the names

Makeeyesup - thanks for the wonderful layout and I'm gonna send you something special really soon. Also I added those names for you. Thanks you for such wonderful
comments. They really do mean a lot.

Gabbyfowl - you are welcome for the tip on using the frames. I just hope yholee got it.

Linda - you are welcome too.

Michele - you are very welcome too.

Sarah - I am glad I made your day - You are very welcome too.

Hummie - thanks so much for commenting on my blog. So wonderful to see that you visited. I'm a Huge fan. And thanks for the wonderful comments.

Now here is the freebie.

Names included are:


You can download them Below

Blog Names 12

Quick Pages from Lori Smith

I'm back. Lori made these pages for her new grandaughter, Isabella Renee. She has posted them on her blog and is offering them for free.

Isn't she cute.

Such a sweetie !!!

You can get them here on her blog, but please send her some love and congratulate her on her new Granddaughter.

Isabella is Here !!!!!!!!! Born Aug 19th 2008

Baby Isabella is Here

I know I haven't posted in the past few days. Been a little busy and taking a time-out from the computer. But I'm paying for it. Behind on everything. But I had 3 days off and the first day Isabella was born. Yeah!!!! She's here.

I didn't get a lot of photos. We were their all morning and into the evening. She was born about 5pm or around there and they finally brought her into the nursery where we could see her. I ended up leaving about 6 or 6:30 pm and still didn't get to hold her. I had been up since midnight because of work and then went there to support Isabella's Nana and my best friend Lori and Isabella's mom, Amanda. Isabella weighed 8 lbs 15 oz and was 20' long.

I apologize for not posting more names yet. I have made some more. So give me a little bit to get them in 4shared and I'll give them to you.

I was at the hospital that first day off and the next 2 days I decided to use fixing my home. Since I got into the new store at ScrapitSassy, I haven't had time to fix my house. Not that it need that much fixing but I"m still unpacking. We arranged our master bedroom closet. It need the rods to hand clothes up on. Plenty of shelves but no rods. So we went to Lowes and bought them and then broght them home and cut them and nailed them up. Now we have 3 nice places to hang our clothes. I hadn't been able to hang anything yet. We had a lot of fun doing something for the house. So I feel like we accomplished something. I also unpacked quite a bit of boxes but I still have lots more to go. Geesh! I'll never get finished. But I'm quite a bit closer.

Enjoy! Lori (Isabellas mom and my CT quickpage designer made some pages for you using my Fluttering Dragonflies kit . I'll be back to post the pages and send you to her blog to pick them up.

PhotoHunt: Theme........Wrinkled

Hi Everyone,

Here is my photo for this weeks Photo Hunt.

The theme is Wrinkled. Well I haven't had much time to go out and take photos but I decided on some quick ones for this post. Sorry, no great thought here. But when it said wrinkled I thought of my curtains. I have curtains hung up in the house. I put them up in quite a bit of a hurry. As you all know, we just recently bought a house. Going on almost 2 months now. Well, these curtains are just temporary till we get the place unpacked and we get the major stuff we need. (Right now that's a new lawnmower - my husband broke the other one the other day - tore the pull string right off and tried to fix it himself. He's not too mechanical. Now it won't start . haha) So back to the point. I hung these curtains up quickly and haven't gotten back to them. Well they still have the creases in them from when I bought them and they got a little wrinkled. I plan to get blinds and redo these curtains using the same ones but washing to take out the wrinkles and hang them up more stationary.

I love the peachish pink color though. These are in my computer room. When the sun shine through them they have this pinky peachish glow. If they weren't wrinkled they would be really pretty. Hahaha.

Hope you enjoyed them. But hey, I posted on time this time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thank You, Sharon

Thankyou Sharon Kay

for letting me know you got my kit. Hey if you make any layouts with it and email them to me so I can show them on my blog, You may get a surprise. Noone ever sends me layouts except forMeg who sent me 4 layouts with the word frames (thank you again Meg - who got a nice surprise too). And let me know if it worked well for you. I'd really love to see the layouts...thank you so very very much. It was a huge kit. I liked to have never got it downloaded on their server. Took up all of their download slots.....haha. But it seems to be a hit....thank you!

I know I've never mentioned that but If you buy one of my kits I usually give a reward for sharing with me. To show my great appreciation. I like to see what someone else does with my kits. You get to see a different and new perspective. Really cool.

Talk later

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blog names set 11....................freebie....

Hi everyone.

Just wanted to let eveyone know, that if you want my kits from Scrap it Sassy everything is now 40% off. I have my Fluttering Dragonflies, Baby Isabella and Chris' Rustic Cowboy kit in there now. So go check it out. All the kits are 40% off. Here are the 3 kits I have in there so far. They are also offered in parts too in case you don't want the whole thing.

Now I have more names for you. There are 5o names here. And I still have lots more to do.

Name included are:

MY 5 SONS (for you tiffany)

I think I forgot Linda and Sue in the preview - but they are there.

Download Blog Names 11

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Fluttering Dragonfles Kit and a Freebie!

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that ScrapitSassy is still having their sale for the next couple of days. Everyones stuff is on sale including mine so go check it out.

Also, sorry I haven't gotten any more names up. I have added everyone who's requested them but I still have an awful long list. And it just keeps getting longer. But that's ok, I will get to all of them. I've just been trying to get everything all together in the store. My fiance is getting jealous of the computer again.

Here is a layout I did with my new kit Fluttering Dragonflies.

I now have this new kit in the store called Fluttering Dragonflies, plus I got my Baby Isabella kit in there too. You can check it out at Scrap it Sassy . Here are the preview to the kit. I have it in the store as the full kit or you can get just the elements or papers.

And I made a blog freebie for you. They are fancy frames from the kit. I think they turned out really cute.

Download Below



Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with more names. Lots of them. That will be my focus. Yholee, I hope that I helped you. Please let me know if you are still having problems.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I hope this helps Yholee

Hi Yholee and anyone else that this helps out.

Like I said before I'm not into this photoshop to much. But I can use it. Just takes more time. I just reminded myself why I don't use it very much. Guess I need to use it a lot more often so I can help all of you. I need to broaden my horizons so to say. Still love Micosoft.

Ok here it is. And if anyone knows of an easier way please let me know. But this is how I did it.


When you go into your program

  1. open up the frame.png and the photo.jpg . Have them both opened up in your program.
  2. click on photo.jpg and using the rectangular marque tool on the left hand side of the program. It should look like a dashed rectangle. Choose all of the photo that you want to include in the frame. (just start in the top left hand corner and drag it all the way to the bottom right hand corner - or where you want to start and end on photo)
  3. Go to edit menu (up top) and click copy from the drop down menu.
  4. Then choose the frame.png file and go to edit menu (top) again and click paste from drop down menu. You then have 2 layers opened (in side menu on right) for that file.
  5. Close the oringinal photo.jpg or just x out of it. (You don't have to save it)
  6. Move the frame.png to top (just drag it to the top - hold down curser over frame layer and pull it to the top) You should then see the black frame on top of the photo.
  7. Next, using the wand tool in the palette on the left choose all of the black from the frame. (Just hold curser/wand over it and click and it should show all that was chosen)
  8. Then move or drag the photo back to the top in the layers menu on the right. (make sure that little box is checked - the one thats to the left of the layer name)
  9. Then you should see the photo with the dashed frame line on top of it. (Looks like a dashed outline of the frame moving around)
  10. Go to Selection at top and click Inverse. This chooses the white or transparent part that was in the frame (the parts that weren't black).
  11. Then go to edit (up top) and click cut from drop down menu. This cuts if out of the photo.
  12. Then go to Layers menu (at top) and click flatten image from the drop down menu. This brings both photo & frame together making you just the photo cutout like the frame thus making it only one layer again.
  13. Then save under a different name than the photo or frame name.
  14. Then you can just put it in your scrapbook pages after that. I like to add shadow to them when I put them on a page. Brings them out more.
And there you have it. I hope I didn't confuse you Yholee. I hope that this works the same way in CS3. Took me a little bit to figure it out. Please let me know if this helps you. There might be an easier way to do it but this is the way I did it. So let me know. And don't hesitate to ask me for more help. I do honestly understand not being able to figure out stuff and it drive me nuts. I almost can't handle it. I usually try till I figure it out. So, please don't hesitate. And let me know if it works for you.

Good luck Yholee and anyone else who might have had problems.



Hi Yholee and everyone else,

I am so sorry you are having problems Yholee. Promise, I am going to see if I can figure this out for you and give you a definite description of how to do this. I'm going to go into my photoshop and figure it out. I don't have CS3 but I have Photoshop 7 and Photoshop Elements. Hopefully with those I can figure it out. Give me a little bit and I'll get back to you.

We're going to figure this out together Yholee, promise.

I'll be back in a little bit.

Yohlee is having trouble using the word frames or name frames I made. She's not sure how to use them in CS3. So any help from you would be greatly appreciated by me in any advice. I know you all said you could use them fine, I just got to figure out how you guys do it. I know how i do it. So, lets all help Yholee out some. I think she's a little frantic. WE need to help her. I'm gonna try to figure it out. Thank you,


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Almost forgot..........

I wanted to thank makeyesup for the wonderful comment......Thank you for thinking of me as a designer already. I guess you are right....I am one. I just learned all this stuff on my own with no formal training. Basically made it all up myself. And I love it. I am an artist at heart. I paint sceneries, draw people and do all sorts of other stuff so the creative side of me has always been there. But I truly love doing this.

I mean I went to college for computers, wanted to go into designing, and they put me with accounting. I learned all kinds of computer languages which was really cool and hard but when it got to the computer accounting, I bowed out. Not my thing. I'm good with numbers but not that good. Or I don't have a want to be that good I guess. Moved here to go to art school but hadn't made the step yet. Almost 40 now and I am not sure if I really want to go back to school.

But this is one of my favorite past-times and I think I'm good at it. Not great at it yet but I'm really trying. There's a lot I don't know. I guess you would probably learn something new all the time. New techniques. Or just new and easier way of doing thing. I'm not as experienced as some of the others. But I am definitely going to learn. That's why I hadn't actually called myself a designer yet. Still thinking of myself as the student. When did I become the teacher? LOL So thank you for the wonderful comments. You are all so nice to me. And thank you for giving me the confidence to do all of this. It means a lot to me.

So thank you all. I mean it.

How to use my name templates....

Hi everyone,

I got an email from one of my readers, yholee who is asking how to use my frames. I don't really consider my frame a template but I guess in a way it is. Basically all it is, is a black frame that is transparent around it. I don't use photoshop that much but a lot of you have told me that it works really well with it. I use Microsoft Digital Imaging for almost everything. I've got to get the photoshop thing down. I have 2 versions of it but I always go back to Microsoft and they've discontinued it. Drats.

Anyway, back to the subject. Basically yholee (and anyone else who needs to know this), I chose the black on the template with my wand. I am pretty sure you can do that with photoshop. Then I just fill it with the photo. In my program it asks to fill with texture or picture. I choose picture and then with the photo already opened up in the program, I choose it and then fill all the black with the photo. It then lets me move the photo around to how I want it. And you have it.

If it is any different in photoshop, which I will try out myself in a little bit. Will someone let me know? I have to do a few things with my kits in the store this morning but I'll be back later with more names. I'll also check to see if it does work in photoshop. Or try at least..haha. I hope this helps you yholee. If not let me know and I will give more info to you. I really want you guys to be able to use my stuff. That's why I make it. Thank you for bringing to my attention that you needed help. I don't mind helping any of you at all. My pleasure.

I'll be back later and you all take care.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Blog names set 10....................freebie....

Hi all, I finished set 10 of your names...........there are 30 names. Still have lots more to do.

Names Included are:


Enjoy !!!!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

ScrapiitSassy is having a sale! Plus more names......freebie!

Just wanted to let you all know that Scrap it Sassy is having a 6 month anniversary store wide sale. Everything is on sale. So go check it out.

You can find my kit there too.

And now,

As I promised here are the next set of names. I promise that the next list will be longer.

Names included are:


Download Below

Hi everyone,

No I haven't forgotten you. Not in the least. But I just got really busy all of the sudden. I am now a designer at a store. Whoo Hoo....I just can't believe it. I now belong to ScrapitSassy as one of their designers. I had to learn how to do everything really quick. I have already put my kit Chris' Rustic Cowboy (I have dropped the collection part) in the store. I've even got it separated in several pieces such as elements, frames, papers and I've added some more photo papers. Here's a preview of what I put in the store.

I had to rearrange my files to fit and make new previews. Took a lot of work but I finally got it. Yeah. I am so excited. I think I'm still in shock. So go check them out and I'm listed as April the Scrapaholic. It's pretty cool to be on there.

So I'm late with the names. But I promise to get them pretty quick. Sorry Pamey. All this took me by surprise or by storm. But it's calmed down now. I should be on track here pretty soon.

I'll be back either later on or in the morning with the frames. I still got to get them all made for you and preview them. Promise. And don't worry I'm still making freebies for all of you.

Wish me luck gals and guys.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oh my GOSH!!!

Hello everyone,

I got called in to work last night at midnight and I didn't get my names finished and now I have to work tonight too. So, I'll get to them. I was on a 5 day vacation. Thought I was home free but NOT. Oh well. My backup person when I'm not there was really sick. She's got this virus thing thats going around. It's really nasty... Sure hope she didn't give it to me. I'm feeling ok so I guess she didn't.

Anyway, I have HUGE news.

I was just asked to be a DESIGNER at a store. I am so excited. I don't want to say who it is yet in case I don't get to do it. But she saw my blog and liked all of my stuff. I am so excited. Did I say that already? LOL Anyway, I sent her all my info and I'm just waiting to see what happens.
I'll have to come up with about 4 kits a month to be there. I just hope I am good enough. I just can't believe someone asked me. This is too cool. I will let you all know when I find out. Then you guys can all go and check me out there.

So you all take care and I've got to go get some sleep for tonight.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baby Frame freebie

I'm trying to learn how to make those bags or at least get them where they look ok. This is my first try at one. I'm giving you a baby frame from Isabellas kit and I put it inside. You'll have to tell me how you like it.

Download Below

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blog names set 8....................freebie....

Here is the next set of blog names for you.

Names included are:

COLTON (again....didn't realize till I'd already done it)

or HERE is the preview of the names.

Download the names below

Monday, August 4, 2008

Layouts ..................

Here is a layout that I did of my little JoJo. We were swimming at the lake. He likes to play in the shallow part of the lake where he can touch. He swims great but prefers shallow water.

This is my little shaylee swimming in the lake. You just can't get her out of it. She loves to swim. Ignores everything else around her. Isn't she cute?

Here is a male cardinal that was outside my computer room window on our tall privacy fence. He was just looking at me posing and I got these great shots. So pretty.

This is a page I made about me and my favorite thing. I was thinking more objects than people. My best friend fealt a little down that I didn't put her on it but I'm gonna make a separate page for all my fav people.

Hope you enjoyed them.......
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