Monday, December 31, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR.....xmas bows alpha FREEBIE!

I made these alphas for you. I meant to dosomething for New Years but maybe you can use these for that too.
I have a whole lot of stuff coming for you from this kit. Thank you so much for all the nice comments about my QPs. Don't worry....I have really good frames and stuff coming up that were shown on those quickpages.
Again, thank you. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
You can get all 5 alphas HERE

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another Freebie_Baby's First Christmas Quickpages!

Hi all, I have been busy making this Christmas kit. Man I have some good stuff for you. I have lots of candy-cane stuff and ribbons and bows and frames. You name it. Santa hats. Stockings. Lights and strings of lights too.
I only have 2 downloads on my previous quickpages. I figure everyone is still out for Christmas Vacation. I got two comments from my two downloaders though. Thank you guys. I was beginning to think I lost everyone.
I hope that you all can use these. It comes with 4 pastel stockings for your precious ones. I should have included the santa hats too. I'll get them to you later. Enjoy!

Link has expired to make room for more freebies

Friday, December 28, 2007

MyXmasTimeQuickPages...Yeah..I'm Back! FREEBIE!

Hi everyone. I hope you all had Wonderful Holidays. Ours was quick but nice. My honey got me a 19" LCD Monitor. Yeah! Now I can see my stuff much better. He was so sweet to get it for me. I think my mom helped him a little. I got him a dehydrator so he can make his own beef jerky. He's been wanting that for at least 2 yrs now. Now he has it.

I just couldn't keep up with xmas this year. Couldn't keep up with the blog. Too much going on. Maybe today I can make things up. I planned on making a Christmas kit for you all but I couldn't seem to get it all together. Well, now I have some stuff for you to use. I may even like this one better than my winterwonderland kit.

Today I have 2 quickpages for you that I made with the kit. I really hope you like them. I think they turned out really nice. I'm still deciding which parts of the kit to give you. Let me know what you all like best.

Oh yeah, it snowed at my moms again the day after xmas. (It just snowed on Thanksgiving) Not enough to stick but it did SNOW. And man, was it cold there.

Here is the previews of my quickpages:

You can get the XmasTime Quickpages here


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Green and Gold Xmas Alpha....Freebie!

Hey everyone, I realize I haven't left anything in a while. Christmas and my job just have me going constantly. Can't seem to get anything done. But I did make this alpha for you. Even cut out everything into separate pngs for you. Hope that you enjoy it.

Have a very merry christmas everyone from Me and Jose and even Shaylee and Jojo!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Layout Using my WinterWonderland Kit.

Just wanted to show everyone a layout of my Shaylee on her birthday last year. Need to do one of this year I guess. She was posing in the chair outside and I remember it being cold. Thought it would be great with my WinterWonderland kit. How do you like the bow? Nice touch huh. I just made that one. Let me know what you guys think....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Snowflake Safety Pins....

I decided to go ahead and post the pins right quick. I really like these and I have several more and not only in the WinterWonderland Collection. I hope that you like them as much as I do. I made them solid pieces and in pieces that look like they are stuck in the papers. First time I ever done that. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy! and Happy Holidays!

My WinterWonderland Snowflake Labels....

Hi again, Man this month is going by fast. I just can't keep up. I keep loosing days. Sorry I haven't given you guys anything in the past couple of days. I finished my Snowflake pins and will be giving them to you tomorrow. Right now I have my snowflake labels that I made. I should have given them to you a long time ago but better late than never. Actually they really aren't late. I just feel so behind. Must be all the xmas shopping.

Any way, here is the preview....Hope you like them.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

WOW...its already the 13th!

Guess you guys thought I forgot about you. Definitly not the case. I've made a few things and time had just gotten away with me. Can't believe it's already the 13th. I'm still stuck somewhere on the 10th. Shoot, I still can't even believe it's Dec. Next thing you know Xmas will be come and gone and then HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anyway, I have to make some previews of some stuff and download on 4shared. Hopefully, I can get you something good today. Possibly the pins to go with the WinterWonderland Kit. That would probably be good.

So we'll talk later and I'll try to get you something.

Did I mention it's freezing outside! Brrrrr. Lower 30's here. So keep warm and see ya later.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've Changed My Layout!

Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know, which you can obviously see, that I change my layout and header. I also added several slideshows that include my artwork, our home photos, my photos of my dear precious Shaylee, and My professional photos that I've taken of people (mostly of friends). So please check everything out. I plan to add a slideshow of my handsome little JoJo also. Just haven't gotten there yet.

Like my header. Thought it would better represent the photomaniac in me. Couldn't quite get it the right size. Would like to make it go all the way across the top but not sure how to do it.

Anyway, gotta fix breakfast. Later.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thank You...

Thank you Ivy for the nice comments on 4shared...I would love to see what you come up with. You've so sweet. Thank you.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Harvest Pumpkin Patch Paper Brads

I have gotten such nice comments from people on 4shared. Didn't realize everyone was actually reading what I have to say. Thank you. I am glad you guys like the brads. I have one more set for you. The last in the Harvest Pumpkin Patch Collection. I used my hand drawn pumpkins in this one. I've tried putting some on my pages and they look really cool. I'll have to post my layouts when I'm finished with them. Feel free to send me links to any layouts you make using my kits. I'd like to see them. See what you come up with. Haven't actually seen any yet but my own.
My best-friend told me that she's having trouble using some of the cutout snowflake frames in scrapbook flair. She says theres a dark shadow on them. I have found that in scrapbook flair, if the element is too large it justifies by putting shadows and not centering the element just right. Looks cutout but like it slipped underneath. If you have seen this then you would understand.
I am gonna try to check them out myself, which I thought I did but like I said I miss things, and fix the problem. If I do I'll repost them for everyone.
So if anyone else if having problems please let me know. I'd hate to think I'm giving you anything you can't use. I know in Photoshop and Microsoft Digital Imaging everything should work fine but I want it compatible with Scrapbookflair too. They're software is so easy to use and I know most of you probably use it. I personally love it myself. I don't like that you can't rotate things but that's the only thing.
I was gonna post another photo of my shaylee but blogger isn't cooperating with me at the moment. So I guess you get your feebie now. (I'd already saved it's preview earlier)
Preview of my Harvest Paper Brads:

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

My Harvest Pumpkin Photo Brads

Hi guys, Wow.....almost all of you don't want me to stop on my WinterWonderland kit. That is so cool. Well, don't worry because I still have the pins to give away too. And who knows what else I might come up with also.

But today I am adding to my Harvest Pumpkin Patch kit. It will be in 2 parts and I will give the other one away tomorrow. You know I can't give it all to you at once.

These are for my best friend Lori. She seems to be anxious to get them. She's asked me where they were and I told her yesterday that I hadn't given them out yet. But now I am. I have also made these just for her and her daughter Amanda. Here are your little ones guys.

Here's Amanda with her kids Ashleigh and Conner
inside the maze looking out the peep hole
and Ashleigh in the tree posing as usual

and here's Conner with his beautiful blue eyes....

Now ................ Here is the Preview to My Harvest Photo Brads....Enjoy!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Another Freebie__MyStormyGlassBrads with Snowflakes!

Hi everyone again, I just loved all of your comments on my glass brads, beads or bubbles.....which ever may be the case. Your comments are all inspiring. Can't believe all the nice things that you are saying. So, thank you very much. I just love these glass brads. I'm made them with sunsets, my puppies, flowers and animals and other prints of paper. They just look so cool and I can't believe myself that I made them. And I did. They took quite a while to figure out. And I like the results that I got.
And I want to give special thanks to Claudia.....My dear scrapbookflair friend for checking out my blog and leaving such a sweet comment...thank you.

Well, I have some today that go with my WinterWonderland stormy and pastel papers. I added snowflakes to them too. I do have some without snowflakes that I may share next time.

I have also decided to make pins and safety pins with these also. You know, you guys should really tell me when to stop with this kit. I have also made some to go along with My Harvest Pumpkin Patch kit too.....which I will share also. Still have to make previews of everything.

Well here's the preview to this freebie:

You can buy these Stormy Glass Brads for $1.00 HERE IN MY STORE

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Clear Glass freebie

I got a great comment from Fenn and she practically begged me to give out the clear glass brads too. Well, how can I resist. I tried putting a password on this file but i couldn't figure out how just you on my blog could just download it. When i put one on it wouldn't let you download at all. So, I did it the regular way.

If you have troubles just let me know. Now Fenn (you) can put YOUR little ones in glass brads too...thank you.

Thank you so much. if anyone has any problems using them let me know. I created them in Microsoft digitial and they are png files so hopefully this will work. There are 3 different ones.

Link is expired


Hi everyone. I know that I promised you my pins to go with my Winterwonderland Collection but I came up with something else too that I am equally excited about. I am calling them Glass Brads. I started out calling them bubbles but I'm not sure if that would have worked.

Here are some examples of just various ones I made. These two are my Shaylee and JoJo Brads.

So, I have made some for my WinterWonderland Collection. I've kind-of gone crazy with them. I also made some for my Harvest Pumpkin Patch kit too. So here is the preview of my brads for the collection. Please.....Please let me know what you think. I just love them.

You can buy them for $1 HERE IN MY STORE

Monday, December 3, 2007


Hello again everyone, I would just like to thank Jodi for leaving me such a nice comment on my blog. She said she downloaded all my frames and loves them and that I deserved a break. Thank you so much for commenting Jodi. I greatly appreciate it.

So today I am giving you probably my last frames in the WinterWonderland Collection. These were the first that I had made and they are shapes with snowflakes on them and I used my papers to. So I hope you enjoy them. They are nothing like the other frames. They are quite different but I think they're cute though. Please let me know your opinion.

Here is the preview:

sorry but link is expired

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I'm Tired..

Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that I am tired. I work nights (1am to 9am) and I now have 4 days off straight. YEAH! However, I invited some friends over for a fish fry and I am now cleaning, which is desperately needed. Top to bottom too. Vacuum with a shampoo and everything else included. I usually only get 2 days off and after the first day of being totally useless sometimes the second day sometimes doesn't do justice.

So I am not able to leave a freebie today. Maybe tomorrow. I did make some cool safety pins, pins and paperclips to add to my winterwonderland collection that I might give you. I still have to make a cool preview though.

So everyone have a wonderful Sunday and I will see you again tomorrow. I do have another set of frames also but they are a little different. They were my first ones and I was just trying out things. May give that one instead. Anyway, see you later and thank you to everyone that has left such nice messages to me. I really enjoy reading them.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

More Frames...My WinterWonderlandPolaroidSnowFrames

Hello everyone....I hope that you haven't tired of my frames because I have another set for you. I know, I just went crazy but I was in a creative phase. I've also come up with some pins and things too. Maybe I will share those with you later. But for now it's just frames. Man, when you put this whole kit together it seems awfully huge to me. I just hope that everyone is enjoying them.

I'm not getting very many comments so it's hard to tell if you like them or not. So if you download please leave a message either preferably here but 4shared is ok too. I read those as well.

Here is a preview of my WinterWonderlandPolaroidSnow Frames:

You can buy my Polaroid Snow Frames for $1.00 HERE in my store.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Here is my layout of Shaylee and JoJo at Thanksgiving (in case you didn't see it earlier) using my Snowflake Frames.

Well, as I promised.... are my Snowflake Frames...

Buy my Snowflake frames in my store HERE for $1.00

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A SNEAK-PEAK of my WinterWonderlandSnowflakeFames

Well, Here is another set of frames. Hope ya'll aren't getting tired of myWinterWonderland Collection. I've almost gone thru everything. I still have a few more things up my sleeves though. Just need to process them.

Anyway, here are another set of frames called My Snowflake Frames.

I think they are really pretty. Here is a preview:

These are the same ones that I used on my page with shaylee and jojo at Thanksgiving.

I will be offering these to you tomorrow.....for Friday.

Another Freebie.....My WinterWonderlandRibbonFrames.....Freebie!

Wow.....My wooden alpha and snowflake alpha has passed up my PumpkinPatch elements as far as downloads. But not by much. I really hope everyone likes everything.
I have another freebie today.....YEAH
I have my WinterWonderland Ribbon Frames. I used the ribbons I made and added them to some frames. I think they came out pretty well.

Anyway, Enjoy and please, everyone, let me know what you think and thanks.

Here is the preview:

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Snowdrift Frames freebie !!

I have some frames that I made for my WinterWonderlandKit....Actually 5 sets of frames that I am gonna give out separately. I hope that you like them. Oh yeah, by the way everything that I made I test in ScrapbookFlair to make sure that it works. For those of you who are my ScrapbookFlair friends.

Please leave comments and let me know what you think.


Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

MyHarvestPumpkinPatch Frames and 1 QP.

I have made a quickpage for you to use.

The quickpage is in a png format. I use Microsoft Digital imaging to make my stuff. I am still learning to use photoshop. I have photoshop 7.0 and photoshop elements 5 but am still unsure how to do everything. The other is just so much easier or at least I am used to it. Maybe that's more the case. Anyway, I'm learning all the time so be prepared...hah!

Plus I made some frames to go along with the HarvestPumpkinPatchKit.
I also added some blue, green and wooden colors also.
Hope that you like them.
A golden one was used on the quickpage.

Sorry, Link expired.

MyRustyStarWoodenAlpha freebie...again and updated!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have now updated this alpha. It is now complete with individual pngs of every letter. I hope that you can use it better. When I went back to add the rest of the pngs it seemed that some weren't cutouts (I think) but all has been fixed. Sorry for that.
and to my dear reader witchypoo....I have finished it for you but sorry that it is definitly past your Friday the 23rd. It took me a little time to finish but I think you will be very pleased. I just hope that you come redownload it from me.
Thanks to you all and I hope that you enjoy this alpha.

The update is still at the same link as below but I am reposting it again so you don't have to search for can get it

Sorry Expired, these are being added to my store

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Scrapbook Pages I made with my kit...

Here is a scrapbook page that I made
with MyWinterWonderland Kit

Do you like the frame?
I have them for you too...Plus others that I have made.
I'll be giving those to you later.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My WinterWonderland Ribbons and Borders !!

My WinterWonderland kit is getting so big. I keep thinking of stuff to add to it. This time I made ribbons and borders for you today. I started to post them with the last one but decided to post them separately. Thought that might be easier.

Hope the ribbons are ok. I like them. They also look good on some frames that I made for you. I'll get them to you later. So, enjoy the freebie.

Get the ribbons Sorry, Link is expired

Friday, November 23, 2007

MyWinterWonderland Tags!!

I have made some tags and ribbons to go along with my WinterWonderland kit. I have also got 4 different kinds of frames that I think are pretty nice. I'm still trying to get everything downloaded onto 4shared so bear with me a little bit. Here are previews to the tags and the ribbons. And again, I am still learning so hopefully these will work.

You can get the tags
Sorry link expired

Snow on Thanksgiving !!!


I knew my Winterwonderland Kit might come in handy. haha. (not really just hoping) Can't believe it snowed. Huge snowflakes were falling. Then it turned into a lot of smaller ones but more of them. I tried to get photos but my batteries weren't cooperating with me. Here is a few photos that we took.

Here I am

My Fiance Jose (Jo)

My JoJo running around in the snow....

My Beautiful Shaylee (Shay Shay) and her babydoll

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

We just got back this morning from my moms. We got to only spend Thursday with her but it was really nice. We had Ham, mashed-potatoes, brocolli casserole, stuffing, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce and of course the pumpkin and pecan pies. However, we stuffed outselves with so much food we hardly touched the pies.

We had to throw out the turkey though. It had a rancid taste to it; like something had been spilt on it at one time. We didn't trust it so we threw it out. Didn't want anyone getting sick. My mom was really upset about it. She had spent all night cooking it. And her turkeys always come out awesome. Thank god we brought the spiral ham with us. I guess we saved out Thanksgiving Dinner. Still not sure what happened to the turkey.

We had a great time though. My dad and Jo (my fiance) spent the afternoon watching the Cowboys play football. Then I listened to them and my 10 yr old nephew Thomas play Uno for at least 3 hrs. Was really quite funny. It was really nice.

I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed the comments that people have left me here and on 4shared. One got to me in particular this morning. It was on 4shared. Made me laugh.

The comment was from muddy paws on my 4shared. She downloaded my Harvest Pumpkin Patch elements and claimed that she was trying to download my Shaylee too!!! I thougth that was very sweet. My shaylee and my JoJo are so enjoyable and sweet. They just make you want to squeeze them all the time. They are wonderful puppies. Not sure if I have mentioned but they are lhasa apso and poodle mixes. They make for very cute and cuddly and loyal puppies. I wish I could let you guys download versions of them. They are wonderful pets. So, thank you muddy paws for making my day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My RustyStarWooden Alpha

I have a new alpha for you. I was just playing around. It's a little off what I've given you so far. I was trying to make them all pngs and I have run out of time. So I will finish after Thanksgiving when I get back. Hopefully by Friday. I only got a thru f. It's an alpha in all upper case. I used a photo of some wood panels that I had taken. Made the alpha and then added some rusty stars to the borders (which are my stars to - maybe I'll share those later in a western kit). Just wanted to get you something else before the holidays.

So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy my new alpha.

Now in my store at April's Scrapaholic & Photomania

I just would like to say thank you for all your wonderful comments. And to witchypoo - I have now updated and made every letter (all of them) individual pngs. Sorry it took me a little bit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Layout using my Winterwonderland Alphas and Snowflakes!

Here is a layout that I made using my Winterwonderland alpha. And the mat is from my WinterwonderlandPapers. The snow at the bottom came from Scrapbook Flair designs. The Photo is a picture of a little fir tree that was only about 1 ft. tall holding all this snow. Doesn't it look much bigger in the photo. I almost stepped on it. This photo was taken in Colorado.

Going to my Moms for 2 days!

Well, I've posted quite a few freebies the last couple of days. Had fun doing them too. Now after 7 working days straight at my job job, I have 2 days off and I'm spending them with my mom, dad and nephew. Plus, I've been sick the last week along with working. Yeck! I'm a little better now. Just have a cough to deal with. So, I won't be posting in the next couple of days. I've almost given all I've made lately. Whew!!!

I am so grateful for all the comments that have been left. I'm glad you liked the stuff I made. Like I said, I'm still new and learning. I hope they work well for you and that you all send me some layouts that you made if any. I'd sure like to see them.

Anyway, I am planning to post the alpha to my winterwonderland if I can get on 4shared. It's having a few troubles at the moment. I didn't get a chance to make all the letters, symbols and numbers into individual pngs for you. I'll try to do that later and then I'll repost them. I just thought some of you might not want to wait on me and get them now. You can copy and paste off of them onto your layouts.

Here's the preview again of the alphas.

And You can get them HERE

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My SnowdriftSolidPapers Freebie!

I am showing you again the preview of my solid papers
for my Winterwonderland kit. The first kit are my softly papers (he he lighter) which come in 10 different colors.

These are my roughy solid (darker..hehe) papers. They come in 9 different shades of color. Don't ask why there aren't 10 because I don't know. Guess I didn't do the math. I just had fun making them.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

My HarvestPumpkinPatchKit Papers freebie!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Snowflakes at Tabbys Designs

Hi guys, give me a sec and I'll post the papers to my kit.

I was visiting another site today called tabbys designs and she has lots of snowflake stuff on her site. She has snowflake overlays and papers. They are gorgeous. I thought I would direct you guys over there to get her stuff too.

You can get to her sight right HERE

or copy and paste

Get back in a minute.

Thank you for your comments on my pumpkins. I was afraid you would think they were a little cheezy but you actually like them. Thank you. I may have to do this more.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Links to My HarvestPumpkinPatchKit

I didn't forget to give this to you. Just wanted to give it to you in another post. Today I am giving you my elements to my Harvest Pumpkin Patch. Tomorrow I will give you a link to the papers. I need to come up with a preview of the papers first. There are more papers than what is shown in this preview. I just want you to be able to see what I am offering.

There are 4 ribbons with bows, 9 pumpkins in 3 shades, 5 fall leaves, and 4 ribbons without bows. I thinking about making frames and tags for this kit later. Plus an alpha.

Hope that you enjoy them!!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

MyHarvestPumpkinPatch Kit! and Preview of my solid papers for my WinterWonderland Kit.

Well, Hello everyone. I know it seems like I have forgotten about you but believe me when I say that I haven't. Just been busy with work (you know my 9to5 job). I work night (1am to 9am). Yuck! Don't get much sleep but not so much stress.
Also I have been sick this past week and can't seem to get over it. I'm taking all this medicine and it seems like it's not working as well as it should. If I don't get better soon, I promised my fiance that I would go to the doctor. Got horrible cough, sore throat and everything else to go along with it. I don't hardly ever get sick so when I do it hits hard.
Anywho's, I have been working on kits though. And you know I am not as fast as these other people here. It takes me a while to get what I want. Most of the time not sure what to do but I finally - sometimes - get the result that I want.
Here are 2 preview of the solid papers that I made for my WinterwonderlandKit.
I have soft papers and rough papers. I didn't want to just make a solid color. I wanted to have something with a little texture and enough prettieness to go along with my snowflakes.
I am trying to download them on 4shared right now. I keep getting i/o errors and not sure why yet. So, I will offer them to you when I get them downloaded. Also, the alpha to go with it. I've also made some pretty cool tags ( at least I think they are) and frames to add to later. I keep adding stuff. This might end up being a pretty big kit. I keep coming up with stuff. So, please be patient with me. I am a beginner. Still learning. Enjoy the previews. Also, check out the new kit below that I am giving to you now. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Here is my Harvest Pumpkin Patch Kit. I drew these pumpkins the other day and scanned them, colored them and then gave them different shades. My first try at using my artistic talent with the pencil. I thought maybe they might make a cute kit and this is what I came up with.

Monday, November 5, 2007

MySnowflakeAlpha Preview

Here is a look at the alphas that I have created. Right now they are all on one single page and I am in the process of separating them out into individual letter, numbers and ect. I don't know about you, but that helps me out a lot when I get them that way. Lot easier. Anyway, heres a preview of whats to come.

And I am also working on frames, ribbons and those solid papers. Enjoy!

Wow...I had 47 downloads already on my papers. I accidently put a direct link instead of a download link. I wanted to see all the comments. At least 2 people left comments on my blog. Sure appreciate that. I'm just getting started and feedback really helps.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Winterwonderland Papers Freebie!!

Finally, I have uploaded my papers to give to you.
I had a comment that I should make some solid colors also.
So I am gonna try to get them for you too.
For now, I hope that you enjoy these.
The papers look much better by themselves than they do in the previews.
I'm still trying to learn how to make them look good all together.
So bear with me and enjoy.
Please leave me any comments if you like what I've done
or help in adding too. Thank you!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.
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